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用 SwiftUI 中的文本遮罩矩形

[英]Mask rectangle with a text in SwiftUI

I want to achieve following using SwiftUI:我想使用 SwiftUI 实现以下目标:


This is what I have tried:这是我尝试过的:

Text("test").mask(Rectangle().frame(width: 200, height: 100).foregroundColor(.white))

Also the other way around:反之亦然:

Rectangle().frame(width: 200, height: 100).foregroundColor(.white).mask(Text("test"))

Both of those samples gave me the inverse result of what I wanted.这两个样本都给了我想要的结果。 Meaning that only the text was showing in white with the rectangle being "masked away".这意味着只有文本显示为白色,矩形被“屏蔽”。

I also thought of the alternative where I simply combine Text and Rectangle in a ZStack .我还想到了在ZStack中简单地结合TextRectangle的替代方案。 The rectangle having the foreground color and the text the background color.具有前景色的矩形和具有背景色的文本。 This would result in the same effect.这将产生相同的效果。 However I don't want to do this as this seems like a hack to me.但是我不想这样做,因为这对我来说似乎是一种黑客行为。 For instance if I want to add a gradient or an image to the background this method wouldn't work very well.例如,如果我想在背景中添加渐变或图像,则此方法效果不佳。

Is there a good way on how to do this in SwiftUI?在 SwiftUI 中如何做到这一点有什么好的方法吗? I wouldn't mind if it is through a UIViewRepresentable .我不介意它是否通过UIViewRepresentable

Actually, even if it may seems like an hack to you, it's how SwiftUI works.实际上,即使它对您来说似乎是一个 hack,这就是 SwiftUI 的工作原理。

You can avoid this "hack" by creating a custom view您可以通过创建自定义视图来避免这种“黑客攻击”

An example could be:一个例子可能是:

public struct BackgroundedText: View {

    var first_color = Color.green
    var second_color = Color.white
    var text_color = Color.green

    var size = CGSize(width: 200, height: 100)
    var xOffset: CGFloat = 50
    var yOffset: CGFloat = 50

    var text = "Hello world!"

    init(_ txt: String, _ txt_color: Color, _ fColor: Color, _ sColor: Color, _ size: CGSize, _ xOff: CGFloat, _ yOff: CGFloat) {
        self.text = txt
        self.text_color = txt_color
        self.first_color = fColor
        self.second_color = sColor
        self.size = size
        self.xOffset = xOff
        self.yOffset = yOff

    public var body: some View {
                .frame(width: self.size.width,
                       height: self.size.height)

            .frame(width: self.size.width - xOffset,
                   height: self.size.height - yOffset)



So you can use the view in this way:所以你可以这样使用视图:

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        BackgroundedText("Hello", .green, .green, .white, CGSize(width: 200, height: 100), 50, 50)

If you want, you can make the rectangle resize based on text inside如果你愿意,你可以根据里面的文字调整矩形的大小

Please refer to this anwser first, and then you'll understand the following code I made:请先参考this anwser ,然后您将了解我制作的以下代码:

import SwiftUI
import PlaygroundSupport

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {
        // text used in mask
        let text = Text("Text")
            .font(.system(size: 80, weight: .black, design: .rounded))
            .scaledToFit()                   // center text in view
        // container
        return ZStack {
            // background color
            // text card
            Gradient.diagonal(.yellow, .green)      // my custom extension 
                .inverseMask(text)                    // ⭐️ inverse mask
                // shadow for text
                .shadow(color: Color.black.opacity(0.7), radius: 3, x: 3, y: 3)
                .frame(width: 300, height: 200)
                // highlight & shadow
                .shadow(color: Color.white.opacity(0.9), radius: 18, x: -18, y: -18)
                .shadow(color: Color.black.opacity(0.3), radius: 14, x:  14, y:  14)


and the result is:结果是:


The key extension used in the above code is .inverseMask() :上述代码中使用的关键扩展名是.inverseMask()

import SwiftUI

extension View {
    // view.inverseMask(_:)
    public func inverseMask<M: View>(_ mask: M) -> some View {
        // exchange foreground and background
        let inversed = mask
            .foregroundColor(.black)  // hide foreground
            .background(Color.white)  // let the background stand out
            .compositingGroup()       // ⭐️ composite all layers
            .luminanceToAlpha()       // ⭐️ turn luminance into alpha (opacity)
        return self.mask(inversed)

----[Edited]----- ----[已编辑]-----

My custom extension for Gradient :我的Gradient自定义扩展:

import SwiftUI

extension Gradient {
    // general linear gradient ---------------------------
    public static func linear(
        from start: UnitPoint, 
        to     end: UnitPoint, 
        colors    : [Color]       // use array
    ) -> LinearGradient 
            gradient  : Gradient(colors: colors), 
            startPoint: start, 
            endPoint  : end
    public static func linear(
        from start: UnitPoint, 
        to     end: UnitPoint, 
        colors    : Color...     // use variadic parameter
    ) -> LinearGradient 
        linear(from: start, to: end, colors: colors)
    // specialized linear gradients ------------------------
    // top to bottom
    public static func vertical(_ colors: Color...) -> LinearGradient {
        linear(from: .top, to: .bottom, colors: colors)
    // leading to trailing
    public static func horizontal(_ colors: Color...) -> LinearGradient {
        linear(from: .leading, to: .trailing, colors: colors)
    // top leading to bottom trailing
    public static func diagonal(_ colors: Color...) -> LinearGradient {
        linear(from: .topLeading, to: .bottomTrailing, colors: colors)
    // top leading to bottom trailing
    public static func diagonal2(_ colors: Color...) -> LinearGradient {
        linear(from: .bottomLeading, to: .topTrailing, colors: colors)

I had a similar requirement.我有类似的要求。 Actually my requirement was that the text is a multiline text that scrolls up to reveal one line at a time ( timed with someone narrating the text. The background was an image.实际上,我的要求是文本是多行文本,可以向上滚动以一次显示一行(与某人叙述文本时间同步。背景是图像。

I solved it the following way.我通过以下方式解决了它。 A ZStack with the image first, then the Text layer with the multiline text positioned the way I want it, and then another layer of the image with a rectangular hole made where I want the text to appear through.首先是带有图像的 ZStack,然后是带有多行文本的文本层,其位置按我想要的方式放置,然后是另一层带有矩形孔的图像,在我希望文本出现的位置出现。 The approach may meet your needs - you will need to position the hole, change colors etc. to meet your needs.该方法可能会满足您的需求——您需要将 position 孔、更改 colors 等来满足您的需求。 The code shows a rectangle hole about three quarters of the way down the image.该代码在图像下方大约四分之三处显示了一个矩形孔。

struct TestView : View {
  var body: some View {
    GeometryReader { proxy in
      ZStack {
          .position(x: proxy.size.width * 0.5, y: proxy.size.height * 0.75 )
          .mask(self.makeMask(for: proxy.size))

  func makeMask(for sz : CGSize) -> some View {
    return VStack(spacing: 0) {
        .frame(height: sz.height * 0.75 + 4)
        .frame(height: 40)
        .frame(height: sz.height * 0.25 - 40)

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