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[英]Check if record already exists within the database

I have a program that allows users to enter in movies and details about that movie and store them in a database.我有一个程序允许用户输入电影和有关该电影的详细信息并将它们存储在数据库中。 I have the database being displayed in my C# program and the user can select one of the rows and the information from that row will be put into the text box it corresponds to, for example the Title will go in the title text box and so on.我的数据库显示在我的 C# 程序中,用户可以 select 行之一,该行中的信息将放入它对应的文本框中,例如标题将 Z34D1F91FB2E514B8576FAB1A7A 中的标题文本框和. what I want to do is stop the user hitting the submit button and putting the same record in the database.我想要做的是阻止用户点击提交按钮并将相同的记录放入数据库中。

Any help would be appreciated任何帮助,将不胜感激

Submit button:提交按钮:

private void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtTitle.Text) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtRunTime.Text)) 
                MessageBox.Show("Fill in all the required fields"); 

                if (lstStatus.SelectedIndex == 0) 
                    Status = "Watched"; 
                    Status = "Not Watched"; 

                if (lstType.SelectedIndex == 0) 
                    Type = "Movie"; 
                    Type = "TV Show";

                SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("insert into dbo.Movies(Title, Genre, RunTime, Type, Status) values('"+txtTitle.Text+"','"+txtGenre.Text+"','"+txtRunTime.Text+"','"+Type+"','"+Status+"')", con); 
                MessageBox.Show("Data transferred into the database!"); 

                txtTitle.Text = ""; 
                txtRunTime.Text = ""; /

Code when selecting a row:选择行时的代码:

private void DataGridMovies_RowHeaderMouseClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellMouseEventArgs e)
            if(DataGridMovies.CurrentRow.Index == DataGridMovies.Rows.Count - 1)
                MessageBox.Show("Empty row selected"); // Display a message to the user
                ID = Convert.ToInt32(DataGridMovies.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[0].Value.ToString());
                txtTitle.Text = DataGridMovies.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[1].Value.ToString();
                txtGenre.Text = DataGridMovies.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[2].Value.ToString();
                txtRunTime.Text = DataGridMovies.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[3].Value.ToString();
                if (DataGridMovies.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[4].Value.ToString() == "Movie")
                    lstType.SelectedIndex = 0;
                    lstType.SelectedIndex = 1;
                }// End of IF ELSE Statement
                if (DataGridMovies.Rows[e.RowIndex].Cells[5].Value.ToString() == "Watched")
                    lstStatus.SelectedIndex = 0;
                    lstStatus.SelectedIndex = 1;
                }// End of IF ELSE Statement
            }//End of IF statement

You need to use sql parameters or your sql database can be hacked.您需要使用 sql 参数,否则您的 sql 数据库可能会被黑客入侵。

You can read about that here: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.data.sqlclient.sqlcommand.parameters?view=netframework-4.8 cmd.Parameters.AddWith(name, value)你可以在这里阅读: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.data.sqlclient.sqlcommand.parameters?view=netframework-4.8 cmd.Parameters.AddWith(name, value)

Determine if the record exists.确定记录是否存在。 If it does not you are adding it with insert.如果没有,您将使用插入添加它。 If not you update the record instead.如果不是,则改为更新记录。

Depending on the process power you have at your disposal you might also look into autocomplete.根据您可以使用的处理能力,您可能还会考虑自动完成。 This can hide the fact they are just updating a record you already "found".这可以隐藏他们只是在更新您已经“找到”的记录的事实。 https://www.grapecity.com/blogs/dynamic-autocomplete-c1textbox https://www.grapecity.com/blogs/dynamic-autocomplete-c1textbox

Meta tagging and algorithms on the back end sometimes take care of duplicate entries.后端的元标记和算法有时会处理重复条目。

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