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在 csv - awk 和 for 循环上使用 bash 脚本

[英]using bash script on csv - awk and for loop

I have csv file for every day in a month, and the csv file has global point data.我有一个月中每一天的 csv 文件,csv 文件有全局点数据。 I am trying to crop each csv based on latitudinal and longitudinal extents, and export those csvs.我正在尝试根据纬度和经度范围裁剪每个 csv,并导出这些 csv。 Here is what I tried for 5 days in a month.这是我在一个月内尝试了 5 天的内容。

for f in ./VBD_npp_d20190[1-5]*.csv; do 
    awk '{for(i=$4>=3.070359 && i=$4<=40.926137 && i=$5>=107.159444 && i=$5<=128.204291){printf "%s ",$i;} print ""}' "$f" > "$f".new;

This dd not work.这个 dd 不起作用。 $4 and $5 columns have the latitudes and longitudes listed. $4$5列列出了纬度和经度。

Please advise where I am going wrong.请告知我哪里出错了。



Trying to do it with a "for"?试图用“for”来做到这一点? Interesting approach, but not what I'd have ever come up with.有趣的方法,但不是我想出的。 Much easier to us one (or more if statements)一个(或多个 if 语句)对我们来说更容易

pseudo code伪代码

    if ($4 > minLat && $4 < maxLat && $5 > minLon && $5 < maxLon)

edit: in fact looks like you might have just a typo for instead of if ?编辑:实际上看起来你可能只是拼写错误for不是if (not quite, you'd remove the redundant i= bits and change the print (不完全是,您将删除多余的i=位并更改打印

for f in ./VBD_npp_d20190[1-5]*.csv; do 
    # TODO: Modify the print to use $4 (and $5 ?) instead of $i
    awk '{if($4>=3.070359 && $4<=40.926137 && $5>=107.159444 && $5<=128.204291){printf "%s ",$i;} print ""}' "$f" > "$f".new;

This finally worked -这终于奏效了-

for i in./VBD_npp_d201901*_global*.csv;do o= basename $i global_noaa_ops_v23.csv china_noaa_ops_v23.csv; for i in./VBD_npp_d201901*_global*.csv;do o= basename $i global_noaa_ops_v23.csv global_noaa_ops_v23.csv china_noaa_ops_v23.Z6837CB5FE755 head -1 $i > $o;头 -1 $i > $o; awk -F, '{if ($4>=3.07 && $4<=40.93 && $5>=107.16 && $5<=128.20) print;}' $i>> $o;done awk -F, '{if ($4>=3.07 && $4<=40.93 && $5>=107.16 && $5<=128.20) print;}' $i>> $o;done

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