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“进程以退出代码 -2147483645 完成” Pycharm

[英]"Process finished with exit code -2147483645" Pycharm

I ran Python 3.6.6 Deep Learning with Pycharm 2019.1.3.我用 Pycharm 2019.1.3 运行了 Python 3.6.6 深度学习。 The process was set at maximum 651 episode and it stopped at episode 368 with this message "Process finished with exit code -2147483645".该进程设置为最多 651 集,并在第 368 集停止,并显示此消息“进程完成,退出代码 -2147483645”。 I searched through Google but there's not even a result.我通过谷歌搜索,但甚至没有结果。 Anyone knows about the code?有人知道代码吗? Please help!请帮忙!

Mmmm... I dont know about the error.嗯...我不知道错误。 But given the fact that it starts and works well for 368 episodes... I would aim that is some lack of memory related problem.但考虑到它开始并在 368 集中运行良好......我的目标是缺少 memory 相关问题。

I would run it several times, if it crash after a similar number of episodes I'd try with more memory.我会运行它几次,如果它在类似数量的剧集后崩溃,我会尝试更多的 memory。

Hope this helps even just a little bit.希望这会有所帮助。

It's hard to guess what exactly the problem is.很难猜测到底是什么问题。 But as I experienced the same exit code while doing some file conversions which include plotting with matplotlib , so your error is likely to come from this.但是由于我在进行一些文件转换(包括使用matplotlib绘图)时遇到了相同的退出代码,因此您的错误很可能来自此。 As Sergey K. mentioned in his comment, the issue is probably PyCharm-related.正如 Sergey K. 在他的评论中提到的,这个问题可能与 PyCharm 相关。

There, others pointed out that it helps to switch the backend of matplotlib .在那里,其他人指出它有助于切换matplotlib的后端。 This can be done by adding the following line right after importing matplotlib :这可以通过在导入matplotlib之后添加以下行来完成:

matplotlib.rcParams['backend'] = 'QT4Agg'

(see https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-29872#focus=streamItem-27-2927779-0-0 ) (见https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/PY-29872#focus=streamItem-27-2927779-0-0

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