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你如何为 has_many 关系编写 Rails finder 查询?

[英]How do you write a Rails finder query for a has_many relation?

I'm using Rails 5. I have the following class我正在使用 Rails 5。我有以下 class

class ParentObject < ApplicationRecord
    has_and_belongs_to_many :child_objects, :optional => false

I have a parameter, params[:child_objects] , passed in to my controller that is an array of those objects' IDs.我有一个参数params[:child_objects] ,传递给我的 controller ,它是这些对象 ID 的数组。 How can I write a finder to return objects tied to those IDs?我如何编写一个查找器来返回与这些 ID 相关的对象? I tried this我试过这个

parent_objects = ParentObject.joins(:child_objects).where(
  :child_objects => child_objects

but got this error但收到此错误

Unknown primary key for table parent_objects_child_objects in model ParentObject::HABTM_ChildObjects

You can find these registers with this query bellow您可以通过以下查询找到这些寄存器

ParentObject.joins(:child_objects).where('child_objects.id in (?)', child_objects)

where('child_objects.id in (?)', child_objects) # you are searching ids into child_objects table. where('child_objects.id in (?)', child_objects) # 您正在将 id 搜索到 child_objects 表中。 Specify the join table child_objects.id指定连接表child_objects.id

This is the same query, but more RailsWay.这是相同的查询,但更多的是 RailsWay。 Same idea相同的想法

ParentObject.joins(:child_objects).where(child_objects: { id: child_objects} )

Based on the classes defined, has_and_belongs_to_many means a parent can have many children, as well as a child, can belong to many parents.根据定义的类, has_and_belongs_to_many意味着一个父母可以有很多孩子,就像一个孩子可以属于很多父母一样。 This qualifies for a many to many relation and thus needs an associative (or junction) table.这符合多对多关系的条件,因此需要一个关联(或联结)表。

For above-defined classes, rails will look for child_objects_parent_objects and raise error if table not present.对于上面定义的类,rails 将查找child_objects_parent_objects并在 table 不存在时引发错误。 Add a junction table as defined below添加如下定义的联结表

CREATE TABLE `child_objects_parent_objects` (
  `parent_object_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  `child_object_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

And then the below query will return parent objects for the given child objects( params[:child_objects] ).然后下面的查询将返回给定子对象的对象( params[:child_objects] )。

ParentObject.joins(:child_objects).where(child_objects: { id: child_object_ids})

However, If you want a child to belong to only 1 parent then define a has_many relation & junction table will not be required.但是,如果您希望孩子只属于 1 个父母,则不需要定义has_many关系和联结表。

class ParentObject < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :child_objects

ParentObject.joins(:child_objects).where(child_objects: { id: child_object_ids})


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