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python 和 java 之间的套接字响应不同

[英]Socket different response between python and java

I am sending a SMB packet, the response is different between languages, but only one byte of difference, it adds 0D with python我正在发送一个 SMB 数据包,不同语言的响应不同,但只有一个字节的差异,它添加了0D和 python

00 00 00 55 FF 53 4D 42 72 00 00 00 00 98 01 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2F 4B 00 00 C5 5E 11 03 00 03 0D 0A 00 01 00 04 11 00 00 00 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 FD E3 00 80 12 E5 E0 59 36 7A D5 01 88 FF 00 10 00 B0 44 B3 6C 20 08 11 44 A9 84 31 87 23 FC C7 45 00 00 00 55 FF 53 4D 42 72 00 00 00 00 98 01 28 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 2F 4B 00 00 C5 5E 11 03 00 0 03 0 0D 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0D 0 0A 1 0 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 FD E3 00 80 12 E5 E0 59 36 7A D5 01 88 FF 00 10 00 B0 44 B3 6C 20 08 11 44 A9 84 31 87 23 FC C7 45

Python: Python:

buffersize = 1024
timeout = 5.0
client = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
client.connect((ip, port)) 
tcp_response = client.recv(buffersize)

Java: Java:

Socket s = new Socket(ip, port);
OutputStream out = s.getOutputStream();

InputStream input = s.getInputStream();
InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(input);
tcp_response = "";
int i = 0;
tcp_response += (char) reader.read();
tcp_response += (char) reader.read();
tcp_response += (char) reader.read();
int len = reader.read();
tcp_response += (char) len;
while (i < len) {
    tcp_response += (char) reader.read();

Not quite an answer... having hand-parsed the Python response, some of the field values look a little wacky.不完全是一个答案......在手动解析了 Python 响应后,一些字段值看起来有点古怪。 And there's a byte past the logical end of the PDU.在 PDU 的逻辑结束之后还有一个字节。 I conclude that extra byte 0d was inserted erroneously, but I can't say why.我的结论是错误地插入了额外的字节 0d,但我不能说为什么。

This is SMB, not CIFS, based on the response format.这是基于响应格式的 SMB,而不是 CIFS。

SMB specification 中小企业规范

Python response Python 响应

00 00 00 55 


FF 53 4D 42       protocol identifier
72                negprot
   00 00 00  
00                status
   98             flags  (response + others)
      01 28       flags2
00 00             pid high
      00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00             security features
      00 00       rsvd
00 00             tid
      2F 4B       pid low
00 00             uid
      C5 5E       mid


11                word count (17)
   03 00          dialect index 3
         03       security mode
0D 0A             max mpx (2573 ?!)
      00 01       max vcs (256 ?!)
00 04 11 00       max buff size (1,115,136‬ ?!)
00 00 00 01       max raw size (1 ?!)
00 00 00 00       session key
00 FD E3 00       capabilities
80 12 E5 E0  
59 36 7A D5       server time
01 88             server tz (34817 ?!)
      FF          challenge len (255 ?!)

10                byte count
   00 B0 44 
B3 6C 20 08 
11 44 A9 84 
31 87 23 FC 
C7                server guid

   45             fell off the end
                  or maybe I have forgotten
                  the SMB alignment rules

Some of the numeric fields have completely implausible numbers;一些数字字段的数字完全不可信; marked them with '?.'.用'?.'标记它们。

Java response Java 响应

 00 00 00 55

header (same as before)

 FF 53 4D 42
 72 00 00 00
 00 98 01 28
 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00
 00 00 00 00
 00 00 2F 4B
 00 00 C5 5E


 11              word count (17)
    03 00        dialect index 3
          03     security mode
 0A 00           max mpx (10)
       01 00     max vcs (1)
 04 11 00 00     max buffer (4356)
 00 00 01 00     max raw (64k)
 00 00 00 00     session key
 FD E3 00 80     capabilities
 12 E5 E0 59     server time
 36 7A D5 01  
 88 FF           server tz (-120)
       00        challenge len

 00              byte count (16)
    B0 44 B3
 6C 20 08 11
 44 A9 84 31
 87 23 FC C7 

The fields make much more sense in the Java version.这些字段在 Java 版本中更有意义。

So here is my attempt to actually answer the implied question - the Python version is wrong;所以这是我试图实际回答隐含问题的尝试 - Python 版本是错误的; it has for some reason decided to insert an extra byte.由于某种原因,它决定插入一个额外的字节。 The extra byte is 0D, which can be interpreted as ASCII CR, and is before a byte that happens to have the value 0A, which can be (mis)interpreted as ASCII LF.额外的字节是 0D,它可以被解释为 ASCII CR,并且在一个恰好具有值 0A 的字节之前,它可以被(错误)解释为 ASCII LF。 So we might guess that this is some mistaken text-conversion routine chomping on non-text data.因此,我们可能会猜测这是一些错误的文本转换例程对非文本数据的咀嚼。

== Epilogue == == 结语 ==

Duh, there's an easier way to tell which one's wrong.呃,有一个更简单的方法来判断哪个是错的。 The length of the SMB is supposed to be 0x55 (85) from the first word of the message.从消息的第一个字开始,SMB 的长度应该是 0x55 (85)。 There are 85 bytes in the Java version, 86 bytes in the Python version. Java版本有85个字节,Python版本有86个字节。 QED. QED。

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