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日期输入 DT R shiny

[英]Date Input DT R shiny

This is my code.这是我的代码。 Everything works fine.一切正常。
DateInput is not visible in DT. DateInput 在 DT 中不可见。 Basically I wanted to get few items and two of them are dates.基本上我想得到一些物品,其中两个是日期。 Date entry is working but when I press submit only Month data is coming not the dates.日期输入正在工作,但是当我按下提交时,只有月份数据而不是日期。 Similarly when I select a row and press delete the row is deleted.同样当我 select 一行并按删除该行被删除。 This is fine.这可以。 But when I select a Row and press submit by mistake the app crashes.但是当我 select a Row 并错误地按下提交时,应用程序崩溃了。

I have the following query 1. Why Date Input is not working 2. Why my app crashes when I press submit after selecting a row我有以下查询 1. 为什么日期输入不起作用 2. 为什么我的应用程序在选择一行后按提交时崩溃


GetMCATableMetadata <- function() {
  fields <- c(
    id = "Id",
    month = "Month of Account",
    due_date = "Due Date of Submission",
    actual_date = "Actual Date of Submission"

  result <- list(fields = fields)
  return (result)

########################## CREATE, READ, UPDATE, DELETE #######################################
#### CRUD

# Find the next ID of a new record
GetMCANextId <- function() {
  if (exists("mcaresponses") && nrow(mcaresponses) > 0) {
    max(as.integer(rownames(mcaresponses))) + 1
  } else {
    return (1)

CreateData <- function(data) {
  data <- CastData(data)
  rownames(data) <- GetMCANextId()
  if (exists("mcaresponses")) {
    mcaresponses <<- rbind(mcaresponses, data)
  } else {
    mcaresponses <<- data

ReadData <- function() {
  if (exists("mcaresponses")) {

UpdateData <- function(data) {
  data <- CastData(data)
  mcaresponses[row.names(mcaresponses) == row.names(data),] <<- data

DeleteData <- function(data) {
  mcaresponses <<-
    mcaresponses[row.names(mcaresponses) != unname(data["id"]),]

# Cast from Inputs to a one-row data.frame

CastData <- function(data) {
  datar <- data.frame(
    month = data["month"],
    due_date = as.Date(data[["due_date"]],"dd-mm-yyyy"),
    actual_date = as.Date(data[["actual_date"]],"dd-mm-yyyy")

  rownames(datar) <- data["id"]
  return (datar)

# Return an empty, new record
CreateDefaultRecord <- function() {
  mydefault <-
      id = "0",
      month = "", 
      due_date ="",

  return (mydefault)

# Fill the input fields with the values of the selected record in the table
UpdateInputs <- function(data, session) {
  updateTextInput(session, "id", value = unname(rownames(data)))
  updateTextInput(session, "month", value = unname(data["month"]))
  updateDateInput(session, "due_date", value = as.Date(data[["due_date"]],"dd-mm-yyyy"))
  updateDateInput(session, "actual_date",value=as.Date(data[["actual_date"]],"dd-mm-yyyy"))


ui <- fluidPage(
  #use shiny js to disable the ID field
  #data table
  DT::dataTableOutput("mcaresponses", width = 800),

  #input fields
  shinyjs::disabled(textInput("id", "Id", "0")),
  textInput("month", "Month of Account", ""),
  dateInput("due_date", label="Due Date of Submission", format="dd-mm-yyyy"),
  dateInput("actual_date", label="Actual Date of Submission", format="dd-mm-yyyy"),
  #action buttons
  actionButton("submit", "Submit"),
  actionButton("new", "New"),
  actionButton("delete", "Delete")

server <- function(input, output, session) {
  # input fields are treated as a group
  formData <- reactive({
    sapply(names(GetMCATableMetadata()$fields), function(x)

  # Click "Submit" button -> save data
  observeEvent(input$submit, {
    if (input$id != "0") {
    } else {
      UpdateInputs(CreateDefaultRecord(), session)
  }, priority = 1)

  # Press "New" button -> display empty record
  observeEvent(input$new, {
    UpdateInputs(CreateDefaultRecord(), session)

  # Press "Delete" button -> delete from data
  observeEvent(input$delete, {
    UpdateInputs(CreateDefaultRecord(), session)
  }, priority = 1)

  # Select row in table -> show details in inputs
  observeEvent(input$mcaresponses_rows_selected, {
    if (length(input$mcaresponses_rows_selected) > 0) {
      data <- ReadData()[input$mcaresponses_rows_selected,]
      UpdateInputs(data, session)


  # display table
  output$mcaresponses <- DT::renderDataTable({
    #update after submit is clicked
    #update after delete is clicked
    }, server = FALSE, selection = "single",
  colnames = unname(GetMCATableMetadata()$fields)[-1])


shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

I think much of the challenge here is the date format.我认为这里的大部分挑战是日期格式。 When you call:你打电话时:

sapply(names(GetMCATableMetadata()$fields), function(x) input[[x]])

The values stored is a numeric value (in a string).存储的值是数值(在字符串中)。

You can convert this to a date in CastData :您可以将其转换为CastData中的日期:

due_date = as.Date(as.numeric(data["due_date"]), origin = "1970-01-01"),
actual_date = as.Date(as.numeric(data["actual_date"]), origin = "1970-01-01")

When you update the DateInput for due_date and actual_date you already will have a Date format:当您更新DateInputactual_datedue_date ,您已经有了Date格式:

updateDateInput(session, "due_date", value = data[["due_date"]], "dd-mm-yyyy")
updateDateInput(session, "actual_date", value = data[["actual_date"]],"dd-mm-yyyy")

There may be some alternative approaches, but this seems to work with current setup to create, select row, and delete.可能有一些替代方法,但这似乎适用于当前设置来创建、select 行和删除。 Let me know if this works for you.让我知道这是否适合您。

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