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带有 laravel 混合的 vuejs 的大 app.js 文件大小(13 MB)

[英]Big app.js file size (13 MB) for vuejs with laravel mix

I am using vuejs with blade file in larvel 5.8.我在 larvel 5.8 中使用带有刀片文件的 vuejs。 Means i am not using vue router but laravel view.意味着我没有使用 vue 路由器,而是使用 laravel 视图。 Recently i am facing a big problem that my public/js/app.js file size is about 13 MB,.最近我面临一个大问题,我的 public/js/app.js 文件大小约为 13 MB。 When i deploye to live, user face slowness when login!当我部署到 live 时,用户在登录时面临缓慢! I can't even alnalyze as i don't see any config file named webpack.config shown here我什至无法分析,因为我没有看到此处显示的任何名为 webpack.config 的配置文件

My app.js:我的 app.js:

        import Vue from "vue"; 
    window.Vue = Vue;
    window.axios = require("axios");
    window.axios.defaults.headers.common["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest";

    import { Form, HasError, AlertError } from "vform";
    window.Form = Form;

    Vue.component(HasError.name, HasError);
    Vue.component(AlertError.name, AlertError);

    Vue.component("pagination", require("laravel-vue-pagination"));

    //sweet alert 2

    import swal from "sweetalert2";
    window.swal = swal;
    const toast = swal.mixin({
        toast: true,
        position: "top-end",
        showConfirmButton: false,
        timer: 15000
    window.toast = toast;

    //vue lang

    import VueInternationalization from "vue-i18n";
    import Locale from "./vue-i18n-locales.generated";


    const lang = document.documentElement.lang.substr(0, 2);
    // or however you determine your current app locale

    const i18n = new VueInternationalization({
        locale: lang,
        messages: Locale

    //vue lang end


    import PrettyCheckbox from "pretty-checkbox-vue";

    //vue autocomplete


    import CKEditor from "@ckeditor/ckeditor5-vue";

     * Next, we will create a fresh Vue ap
     * plication instance and attach it to
     * the page. Then, you may begin adding components to this application
     * or customize the JavaScript scaffolding to fit your unique needs.

    // dash board

Vue.filter("round", function(value) {
    return parseFloat(value).toFixed(0);

const app = new Vue({
    el: "#app",
    components: {},

    methods: {},
    mounted() {
        console.log("d" + document.documentElement.lang.substr(0, 2));

N>B: all my component are injected here (mentioned 2 only for precise) N>B:我所有的组件都在这里注入(提到 2 只是为了精确)

Blade File:刀片文件:


    {!! Html::style('css/styles.css') !!}


    <div class="container-fluid min_height_area">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-md-12">
                <div class="view-header">
                    <section class="content-header">
                        <ol class="breadcrumb">
                                <span class="fa fa-dashboard" aria-hidden="true"></span>
                                <a href="{{route('admin')}}">{{ trans('translate.dashboard') }}</a></li>
                            <li class="active text-capitalize">{{ request()->route()->getName() }}</li>






        window.routes = {
            'attendance_list_by_shift_date': '{{ route('all-employee-attendance-list-by-shift-date') }}',
            'route_attendance_get_shift_list': '{{ route('site-employee-get-shift-list-for-employee') }}',
            'route_employee_attendance_edit': '{{ route('employee-attendance-edit') }}',
            'route_take_access_time': '{{ route('employee-attendance-take-access-time') }}',
            'route_log_by_date_and_username': '{{ route('edu-device-log-get-device-log-by-date-and-username') }}',
            'route_send_sms': '{{ route('site-employee-attendance-send-sms') }}',
            'route_report_date_shift': '{{ route('site-employee-attendance-report-date-and-shift') }}',
            'route_open_pdf_file': '{{ route('open-pdf-file-storage',['']) }}',
            'route_report_month_shift': '{{ route('site-employee-attendance-report-month-and-shift') }}',
            'route_emp_list': '{{ route('site-employee-get-simple-active-list') }}',
            'route_emp_yearly_report': '{{ route('site-employee-attendance-employee-wise-yearly-report') }}',
            'route_site_year_list': '{{ route('get-all-type-academic-year-list') }}',

            'route_user_list': '{{ route('site-user-get-site-user-by-user-type') }}',
            'route_user_data_update': '{{ route('site-user-data-update',['']) }}',

Webpack.mix.js Webpack.mix.js

mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js')
   .sass('resources/sass/app.scss', 'public/css');

My package.json file我的 package.json 文件




  • Note that this is the development build, the production build size would be much smaller and it's what your users would have to download and run请注意,这是开发版本,生产版本的大小会小得多,这是您的用户必须下载和运行的版本
npm run prod
  • You can extract vendor assets into a separate file that would be cached longer您可以将供应商资产提取到一个单独的文件中,该文件将被缓存更长时间
mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js')
   .sass('resources/sass/app.scss', 'public/css')

From the Laravel Mix Docs来自Laravel 混合文档

  • You may also want to installImport Cost extension for Visual Studio Code as it will show you the size of every ES6 module you import or require您可能还想为 Visual Studio Code 安装Import Cost扩展,因为它会显示您导入或需要的每个 ES6 模块的大小


And you can instruct Webpack to compile pages specific javascript and vue components so you can include them separately on blade view, see this answer您可以指示Webpack编译页面特定的 javascript 和 vue 组件,以便您可以将它们分别包含在刀片视图中,请参阅此答案

Please consider this series of articles about Vue.js App Performance Optimization , that really helped me a lot, in understanding lazy-loading, shrinking the size and reducing the load time of my app.请考虑有关Vue.js 应用程序性能优化的系列文章,这对我理解延迟加载、缩小应用程序大小和减少应用程序的加载时间确实有很大帮助。

  1. Lazy loading and code splitting in Vue.js Vue.js 中的延迟加载和代码拆分
  2. Vue.js Router Performance Vue.js路由器性能
  3. Lazy Loading Individual Vue Components and Prefetching 延迟加载单个 Vue 组件和预取

Main content:主要内容:

  • Introduction to performance optimization and lazy loading.性能优化和延迟加载简介。
  • Lazy loading routes and vendor bundle anti-pattern.延迟加载路由和供应商捆绑反模式。
  • Lazy loading Vuex modules延迟加载 Vuex 模块
  • Delivering good waiting experience and lazy loading individual components提供良好的等待体验和延迟加载单个组件
  • Lazy loading libs and finding smaller equivalents延迟加载库并找到更小的等价物
  • Performance-friendly usage of UI libraries UI 库的性能友好使用
  • Making use of Service Worker cache使用 Service Worker 缓存
  • Prefetching预取
  • ... ...

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