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如何使用普通 JavaScript 访问 AJAX 调用中返回的数据?

[英]How do I access the data returned in an AJAX call with vanilla JavaScript?

I wrote my first AJAX call last week and got it to work, but now I'm writing a different AJAX call and need to access the data returned, not just change something onSuccess.上周我写了我的第一个 AJAX 调用并让它工作,但现在我正在写一个不同的 AJAX 调用,需要访问返回的数据,而不仅仅是改变一些 onSuccess。

<script type="text/javascript">
    function showMessage(jobid) {
         let result;
         new Request.JSON({
             url: '<?php echo site_url('job/getDiscrepancyByJobId/'); ?>/' + jobid,
             dataType: 'text',
             onSuccess: function(data) {

When the script above is called, I get nothing output to the console.当上面的脚本被调用时,我没有得到任何 output 到控制台。 I tried doing this:我试过这样做:

<script type="text/javascript">
    function showMessage(jobid) {
        let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
        request.open('GET', '<?php echo site_url('job/getDiscrepancyByJobId'); ?>/' + jobid, true);
        request.onload = function() {
            if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 400) {
                console.log('data: ' + JSON.stringify(this.response));
            } else {
                    // Error

but that just outputs data: "" to the console.但这只是将data: ""输出到控制台。

This is the function that is called:这是 function 被称为:

public function getDiscrepancyByJobId($jobid) {
    return $this->MJob->getJobChangeLog($jobid);

And MJob->getJobChangeLog($jobid) is:而 MJob->getJobChangeLog($jobid) 是:

function getJobChangeLog($jobid, $limit = 10) {
    if (empty($jobid)) {
        return false;
    $Q = $this->read_db->query('select timestamp, ifnull(t.name, ifnull(u.name, "")) as name, uri, description, postdata, marginchange 
         from jobchangelog l 
         left join user u on u.id=l.userid 
         left join transcriber t on t.id=u.transcriberid 
         where jobid=' . intval($jobid) . '
         order by timestamp desc 
         limit ' . intval($limit));
    return array_map(function($a){ $a['postdata'] = @unserialize($a['postdata']); return $a; }, $Q->result_array());

The information I'm looking for is in the @unserialize($a['postdata']) part and I don't know how to access that either.我正在寻找的信息在@unserialize($a['postdata'])部分中,我也不知道如何访问它。

Any help would be great.任何帮助都会很棒。 Thank you in advance for your patience.预先感谢您的耐心等待。

I changed the getDiscrepancyByJobId function to this:我将 getDiscrepancyByJobId function 更改为:

public function getDiscrepancyByJobId($jobid) {
    $discrepancy = $this->MJob->getJobChangeLog($jobid);
    echo $discrepancy[0]['postdata']['message'];

And I changed the AJAX request to this:我将 AJAX 请求更改为:

function showMessage(jobid) {
    let request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    let jid = jobid;
    request.open('GET', '<?php echo site_url('job/getDiscrepancyByJobId'); ?>/' + jobid, true);
    request.onload = function() {
        if (this.status >= 200 && this.status < 400) {
        } else {
             // Error

Thanks for the help!谢谢您的帮助!

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