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[英]How to restart script based on the log message

I have a java application and want to restart it when certain message appears in log the file.我有一个 java 应用程序,当某些消息出现在日志文件中时,我想重新启动它。 What I have tried so far is the following script:到目前为止,我尝试过的是以下脚本:


java -jar app.jar > app.log 2>&1
tail -f app.log | while read LOGLINE
   [[ "${LOGLINE}" == *"channel incative"* ]] && pkill -P $$ java &&  java -jar app.jar > app.log 2>&1

I run the scritp using the following command我使用以下命令运行脚本

nohup sh app.sh &

But it doesnt work as expected.但它没有按预期工作。 Do you have any suggestion?你有什么建议吗?

ps the java application is a legacy one coming from 3rd party, so I cannot do the logic in the application code itself. ps java 应用程序是来自第三方的遗留应用程序,因此我无法在应用程序代码本身中执行逻辑。

When the "channel incative" string is found in the log, kill java and restart the script.当在日志中找到“channel incative”字符串时,杀死 java 并重新启动脚本。 The log file is cleared so that the "channel" string can be searched for again.日志文件被清除,以便可以再次搜索“通道”字符串。 Use sleep to give java process a little time to die.使用 sleep 给 java 进程一点时间死掉。

sleep 1
java -jar app.jar > app.log 2>&1
rm app.log 2> /dev/null
touch app.log
tail -f app.log | while read LOGLINE
   [[ "${LOGLINE}" == *"channel incative"* ]] && pkill -P $$ java && exec app.sh

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