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[英]Performance of a loop within a collection parent record

I want to make my classes a bit smarter.我想让我的课更聪明一点。 So I am adding to a sub-list which is a child of DocumentLines and I have Documents .所以我要添加到一个子列表,它是DocumentLines的子列表,我有Documents Consider them to be like OrderHeader , OrderLines .将它们视为像OrderHeaderOrderLines The reason why I call them documents was that I am using status to tell what type of order it is.我称它们为文档的原因是我使用状态来判断它是什么类型的订单。

I want to have a property in my class that will get the current items in the child list and sum the cost up so I have a property I can bind to in my form.我想在我的 class 中有一个属性,它将获取子列表中的当前项目并将成本相加,因此我有一个可以在我的表单中绑定的属性。 Is below ok or could it become too exhaustive if I have to say 20 products on an order?如果我必须在订单上说 20 种产品,以下是否可以,或者是否会变得过于详尽?

public List<DocumentLines> Items;
public decimal OrderTotal
        decimal price = 0.00m;
        foreach (var item in Items)
            price += item.LinePrice;
        return price;

It won't be too exhaustive.它不会太详尽。 It will be fine.没事的。 You could consider using the LINQ Sum() method .您可以考虑使用 LINQ Sum()方法

public List<DocumentLines> Items;
public decimal OrderTotal
        return Items.Sum(item => item.LinePrice);

With C# 6 you can use expression-bodied members (=>) to shorten it further.使用 C# 6 您可以使用表达式主体成员(=>) 进一步缩短它。

public List<DocumentLines> Items;
public decimal OrderTotal => Items.Sum(item => item.LinePrice);

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