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有没有办法使用 Alexa 或 DialogFlow.ai 等技术来使用原始音频数据?

[英]Is there a way to use the raw audio data using technologies as Alexa or DialogFlow.ai?

I am developing an application that uses voice recognition to help blind people to learn music.我正在开发一个使用语音识别来帮助盲人学习音乐的应用程序。 For this, I am thinking about using something as DialogFlow.ai , or even Amazon Alexa , in order not to reivent the wheel.为此,我正在考虑使用DialogFlow.ai甚至Amazon Alexa之类的东西,以免重蹈覆辙。 Thus, there are times when I want to use the raw audio data in order to check if instruments are tuned.因此,有时我想使用原始音频数据来检查乐器是否经过调音。 With these technologies, by default, all the audio input is interpreted and, consequently, converted in text.使用这些技术,默认情况下,所有音频输入都会被解释并因此转换为文本。 So, is there a way to use the raw audio data instead of interpreting the user speech?那么,有没有办法使用原始音频数据而不是解释用户语音呢?

For a number of reasons (mainly security) Amazon Alexa and other similar technologies will not allow you to get the raw input of the user.出于多种原因(主要是安全性),Amazon Alexa 和其他类似技术不允许您获取用户的原始输入。 Using Amazon Alexa as a way to capture the audio input of an instrument is not a plausible way to implement a tuner.使用 Amazon Alexa 作为一种捕获乐器音频输入的方法并不是实现调谐器的合理方法。 You should implement your own way to capture the audio and maybe use it in conjuction with Alexa/DialogFlow for command interpretation.您应该实现自己的方式来捕获音频,并可能将其与 Alexa/DialogFlow 结合使用以进行命令解释。

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