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[英]Looking for regular expression to escape special set of characters

The goal is to replace characters in string such as _ and * that have special role in Markdown with \\_ and \\* respectively.目标是用\\_\\*分别替换在 Markdown 中具有特殊作用的字符串中的字符,例如_*

My current method looks like this:我当前的方法如下所示:

text = "Text *here* should be _formatted_"
specials = ["*", "_"]
for char in specials:
    text = text.replace(char, f"\\{char}")

Wondering if there is alternative way of achieving this functionality with regular expressions.想知道是否有其他方法可以使用正则表达式实现此功能。

Its possible to use this in a re.sub() function to escape special characters可以在 re.sub() function 中使用它来转义特殊字符
that aren't already escaped.还没有逃脱。


https://regex101.com/r/8LNp5E/1 https://regex101.com/r/8LNp5E/1

Example Python示例 Python

>>> import re
>>> target = (
...    r"The goal is to replace characters in string such as _ and * in that have" + "\n"
...    r"special role in Markdown \\_ and \\*  and  \_ and \* ." + "\n"
...   )
>>> res = re.sub( r"(?<!\\)((?:\\\\)*)([*_])", r"\1\\\2", target )
>>> print ( res )
The goal is to replace characters in string such as \_ and \* in that have
special role in Markdown \\\_ and \\\*  and  \_ and \* .

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