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使用 async 和 axios 制作天气应用

[英]Using async and axios to make a weather app

I'm fairly certain it's a detail that I can't remember how to fix, but I've gotten the code to pull the data from the URL, but I can't call the setResults() method.我相当确定这是一个我不记得如何修复的细节,但我已经获得了从 URL 中提取数据的代码,但我无法调用 setResults() 方法。 I'm sure there is a way around it but I'm unsure how to do it.我确定有办法解决它,但我不确定该怎么做。

 class Test {
        constructor() {
            this.testResults = document.getElementsByClassName('test-results');

        async run() {
            console.log(new Date().toISOString(), '[Test]', 'Running the test');

            // TODO: Make the API call and handle the results
            const url = `http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=${query}&appid=25e989bd41e3e24ce13173d8126e0fd6&units=imperial`;
            //Using the axios libary to call the data and log it. 
            const getData = async url => {
                try {
                    const response = await axios.get(url);
                    const data = response.data;
                    var results  = data;
                } catch (error) {

        setError(message) {
            // TODO: Format the error
            this.testResults.innerHTML = (message || '').toString();

        setResults(results) {
            results = responses()
            this.testResults.innerHTML = (results || '').toString();


The bug that you did not see is probably related to testResults being a HTMLCollection rather than HTMLElement .您没有看到的错误可能与testResultsHTMLCollection而不是HTMLElement有关。 So in order to make the setResults method to work properly you need to adjust it.因此,为了使setResults方法正常工作,您需要对其进行调整。 Here I'm providing a possible solution.在这里,我提供了一个可能的解决方案。

class Test {
    constructor() {
        this.testResults = document.getElementsByClassName('test-results');

    async run() {
        console.log(new Date().toISOString(), '[Test]', 'Running the test');
        // TODO: Make the API call and handle the results
        const url = `http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q=London,uk&appid=25e989bd41e3e24ce13173d8126e0fd6&units=imperial`;
        //Using the axios libary to call the data and log it.
        const getData = async url => {
            try {
                const response = await axios.get(url);
                const data = response.data;
            } catch (error) {
    setError(message) {
        // TODO: Format the error
        this.testResults[0].innerHTML = (message || '').toString();

    setResults(results) {
        results = JSON.stringify(results);
        for(let resultEl of this.testResults) {
            resultEl.innerHTML = (results || '').toString();
        // this.testResults[0].innerHTML = (results || '').toString();


let testObj = new Test();

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