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Akka-http 异常处理 (Scala)

[英]Akka-http exception handling (Scala)

I am using Akka-hhtp (scala) to send multiple http batch requests asynchronously to an API and wondering what is the right way to handle exceptions when the response code is other than 200 OK.我正在使用 Akka-hhtp (scala) 将多个 http 批处理请求异步发送到 API 并且想知道当响应代码不是 200 OK 时处理异常的正确方法是什么。

Below is some pseudo-code to demonstrate my point.下面是一些伪代码来证明我的观点。

/* Using For comprehension here because the server API has restriction on the amount of data we can send and the time it takes them to process each request. So they require us to send multiple mini requests instead. If one of those fails, then our entire job should fail.*/

val eventuallyResponses = for {
    batches <- postBatch(payload)
} yield batches

val eventualResponses = Future.sequence(eventuallyResponses)

/* Do I need to recover here? If I don't, will the actor system terminate? */
eventualResponses.recover { case es =>
   log.warn("some message")

/* As I said I need to wait for all mini batch requests to complete. If one response is different than 200, then the entire job should fail. */
val result = Await.result(eventualResponses, 10.minutes)

  case Success(_) =>
      if (result.isEmpty) =>
          /* This doesn't seem to interrupt the program */
          throw new RuntimeException("POST failed")
      } else {
          log.info("POST Successful")
   case Failure(ex) =>
      log.error("error message $ex")
      throw ex

def postBatch(payload) = {
    val responseFuture: Future[HttpResponse] = httpClient.post(payload)

     responseFuture.flatMap{ res =>
       res.status match {
         case StatusCodes.OK => Future.successful(res)
         case _ => Future.failed(new RuntimeException("error message"))

The above code throws exception when we receive StatusCodes different than OK.当我们收到与 OK 不同的 StatusCodes 时,上面的代码会抛出异常。 It does go through the branch of result.isEmpty true, but it doesn't seem to stop/interrupt the execution of the program.它通过result.isEmpty true 的分支执行 go,但它似乎并没有停止/中断程序的执行。 I need it to do that, as this is scheduled as an Autosys job, and I need to make the job fail if at least one of the batch requests returns different response than 200 OK.我需要它来做到这一点,因为这被安排为 Autosys 作业,如果至少有一个批处理请求返回的响应与 200 OK 不同,我需要使作业失败。

If I don't recover and let the exception be thrown then (when we receive non 200 status code), will the Actor System be terminated properly?如果我不recover并让异常被抛出(当我们收到非 200 状态代码时),Actor System 会正确终止吗?

Do you know of a good way to do the above?您知道执行上述操作的好方法吗?


As far as I understand your question you need to throw an exception from main body if some responses haven't status 200.据我了解您的问题,如果某些响应没有状态 200,您需要从main抛出异常。

def postBatch(payload: HttpRequest)(implicit system: ActorSystem, ec: ExecutionContext): Future[HttpResponse] = {
    Http().singleRequest(payload).flatMap(response => response.status match {
        case StatusCodes.OK => Future.successful(response)
        case _ => Future.failed(new RuntimeException("error message"))

val reuests: List[HttpRequest] = List(...)
You don't need for comprehension here because
val eventuallyResponses = for {
  batches <- postBatch(payload)
} yield batches

is equal to
val eventuallyResponses = postBatch(payload)

For comprehension doesn't process recursive sending. If you need it you should write it yourself by flatMap on each request future.
val eventualResponses: Future[List[HttpResponse]] =
    Future.sequence(reuests.map(postBatch)) //also, its better to add some throttling logic here

//as far as i understand you need to wait for all responses and stop the actor system after that
Await.ready(eventualResponses, 10 minutes) //wait for all responses
Await.ready(actorSystem.terminate(), Duration.Inf) //wait for actor system termination

//because of Await.ready(eventualResponses, 10 minutes) we can match on the future value and expect that it should be completed  
eventualResponses.value match {
    case Some(Success(responses)) =>
        log.info("All requests completed")
    case Some(Failure(exception)) =>
        log.error("Some request failed")
        throw exception //rethrow this exception
    case None =>
        log.error("Requests timed out")
        throw RuntimeException("Requests timed out")

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