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Rails 将字符串数组转换为 Flash 的无序列表

[英]Rails Convert Array of Strings to Unordered List for Flash

So flash notices are being displayed from a CMS we're using so when we flash the design/layout is pretty hard to get to.所以 flash 通知是从我们正在使用的 CMS 中显示的,所以当我们使用 flash 时,设计/布局很难实现。 So anything that I flash will display in that section and the only thing I can really change is the styling.因此,我 flash 将显示在该部分中的任何内容,我唯一能真正改变的是样式。 Unless I can do in the Layout > Application render flash unless this one page.除非我可以在 Layout > Application 渲染 flash 除非这一页。

What I have is an array of strings that I'm trying to convert into an unordered list.我所拥有的是一个字符串数组,我试图将其转换为无序列表。 So for example it's showing up like @fruit = ["Apple", "Banana", "Orange"] .因此,例如,它显示为@fruit = ["Apple", "Banana", "Orange"]

My thought was to simply do我的想法是简单地做


With the hope of getting带着希望得到

  • Apple苹果
  • Banana香蕉
  • Orange橙子

However since it's in the flash there's no discerning line break.但是,由于它位于 flash 中,因此没有明显的换行符。 If I inspect sure enough it's showing multiple lines but lumped within a text.如果我检查得足够清楚,它会显示多行但集中在一个文本中。

I even went in and did the following thinking it would work:我什至进去做了以下认为它会起作用的事情:

-flash.each do |type, msg|
  =content_tag :li, msg, id: "flash_#{type}"

But its actually not breaking the msg up into an unordered list, especially within the ul, and instead doing:但它实际上并没有将味精分解成一个无序列表,尤其是在 ul 中,而是这样做:

 <li id="flash_error">"Apple Banana Orange"</li>

So is there a way to convert an array of strings into an unordered list for a flash message?那么有没有办法将字符串数组转换为 flash 消息的无序列表?

flash lets you use primitive types ( string , array , hash , ...) but you need to handle that in the view, if you put an array in it you need to iterate that array. flash允许您使用原始类型( stringarrayhash ,...)但是您需要在视图中处理它,如果您将数组放入其中,则需要迭代该数组。

@fruit = ["Apple", "Banana", "Orange"]
flash[:notice] = @fruit

(also, ul should be outside of flash.each ) (另外, ul应该在flash.each之外)

  - flash.each do |type, msg|
    - if msg.is_a? Array
      - msg.each do |a|
        = content_tag :li, a, id: "flash_#{type}"
    - else
      = content_tag :li, msg, id: "flash_#{type}"

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