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通过 My Form 输入创建 FormGroup Object

[英]Create a FormGroup Object via My Form inputs

I have created a Form called compaign ;我创建了一个名为compaign的表单; My purpse is to register Form's inputs data within a FormGroup Object and send it to my backend !我的目的是在 FormGroup Object 中注册 Form 的输入数据并将其发送到我的后端! The first thing I have done it ;我做的第一件事; is that I created a FormGroup model i used the class CompaignForms , then i had to instanciate this class using a local variable called compaignexample ;是我创建了一个FormGroup model 我使用了 class CompaignForms ,然后我必须使用一个名为compaignexample class After that i have created the main FormGroup object called compaignform and i had to initialize it with compaignexample attributes using get method !之后,我创建了名为compaignform的主要FormGroup object ,我必须使用get方法使用compaignexample属性对其进行初始化! But the problem is in my template becauz i worked with formControl and ngModel at the beginning !但问题出在我的模板中,因为我一开始就使用formControlngModel So i was urged to delete the directive [(ngModel)] and i kept only formControlName , However , the console displays that i have to make a parent component ( [formGroup] ) !所以我被敦促删除指令[(ngModel)]并且我只保留了formControlName ,但是,控制台显示我必须创建一个父组件( [formGroup] )! I tried it in vain !!我试了没用!! Please how can i fix that problem !请问我该如何解决这个问题! I mentionned my stackblitz demo and it doesnt contain the whole project !!我提到了我的 stackblitz 演示,它不包含整个项目! there is a path problem there !那里有路径问题! but the only problem which figure out currently is the one above !!但目前唯一能解决的问题是上面的那个!!

enter link description here 在此处输入链接描述

remove this code #compaignForm="ngForm" from your form tag and add this [formGroup]="compaignexample" to your form tag.从您的表单标签中删除此代码#compaignForm="ngForm"并将此[formGroup]="compaignexample"添加到您的表单标签。

<form [formGroup]="compaignexample" (ngSubmit)="saveCompaign()"></form>

ngForm is used when creating Template-driven forms.创建模板驱动的ngForm时使用 ngForm。

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