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Flutter 在桌面应用程序的 UI 内拖放

[英]Flutter drag and drop inside UI in desktop application

Talking about a desktop application now, not mobile or web.现在谈论桌面应用程序,而不是移动或 web。

Is it any widget in Flutter that will allow, for example, drag a folder, drop it in the application UI, and the app will read for example the path to that file or folder? Flutter中的任何小部件是否允许,例如,将文件夹拖放到应用程序 UI 中,然后应用程序将读取该文件或文件夹的路径?

I have been reading about Draggable and DragTarget in Flutter , but i do think they are used for that purpose.我一直在阅读 Flutter 中有关DraggableDragTargetFlutter ,但我确实认为它们是用于此目的。

NOTE: it might not exist a widget for that purpose, so a strategy on how to do that in Flutter will also be appreciated.注意:它可能不存在用于该目的的小部件,因此在 Flutter 中如何做到这一点的策略也将受到赞赏。

Assuming you're talking about dragging from outside the application, it's not currently supported;假设您正在谈论从应用程序外部拖动,目前不支持; Flutter #30719 would be the issue to watch/upvote. Flutter #30719将是观看/投票的问题。

Depending on the specific platform you might be able to implement it with a plugin in the short term (if you are familiar with native development on that platform), but that would likely be more work than contributing an implementation to Flutter itself.根据具体的平台,您可能能够在短期内使用插件来实现它(如果您熟悉该平台上的原生开发),但这可能比为 Flutter 本身贡献实现更多的工作。

Flutter has a dependency to support such behavior now. Flutter 现在有一个依赖项来支持这种行为。 Check this link https://pub.dev/packages/desktop_drop检查此链接https://pub.dev/packages/desktop_drop

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