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如何在 SwiftUI 中的 TabView 的 tabItem 上显示徽章编号?

[英]How to show a badge number on a tabItem of a TabView in SwiftUI?

I'm working on a side project with SwiftUI, and I have a scenario where I need to show a badge number on one of the tabItems of my TabView .我正在使用 SwiftUI 开展一个附带项目,并且我有一个场景,我需要在我的tabItems的一个TabView上显示一个徽章编号。

I have everything set with my models, and binding and so on.我用我的模型和绑定等设置了所有东西。 But I have been looking for 2 days now to find a modifier to show the badge, but unfortunately all my researches had faced a dead end.但是我一直在寻找2天来找到一个显示徽章的modifier ,但不幸的是我所有的研究都面临了死胡同。

I had went through Apple SwiftUI API Documentation for TabView and searched here on stack overflow and also of course tons of google search results' links.我浏览了 Apple SwiftUI API 文档的TabView并在此处搜索堆栈溢出,当然还有大量的谷歌搜索结果链接。

I'm observing an environment object which hold a list of items and I know how to bind the badge with my items count, so when I have any item update (added, deleted) the badge will be updated.我正在观察一个环境 object ,它包含一个项目列表,我知道如何将徽章与我的项目数绑定,所以当我有任何项目更新(添加、删除)时,徽章将被更新。 But I'm unable to find a way to show the badge number itself on the tabItem .但是我找不到在tabItem上显示徽章编号本身的方法。

Any help is very appreciated!非常感谢任何帮助!

There are no modifiers for setting badge number on tab item and If you try to add custom view for that, it won't be visible;没有用于在选项卡项目上设置徽章编号的修饰符,如果您尝试为此添加自定义视图,它将不可见; This is from TabView documentation:这是来自 TabView 文档:

Tab views only support tab items of type Text, Image, or an image followed by text.选项卡视图仅支持文本、图像或图像后跟文本类型的选项卡项。 Passing any other type of view results in a visible but empty tab item.传递任何其他类型的视图会导致可见但为空的选项卡项。

So, I tried a workaround and it works.所以,我尝试了一种解决方法,它有效。 Using ZStack with GeometryReader and some calculations to place the custom badge view in the right place.使用带有 GeometryReader 的 ZStack 和一些计算将自定义徽章视图放置在正确的位置。

struct ContentView: View {
  @State private var badgeNumber: Int = 3
  private var badgePosition: CGFloat = 3
  private var tabsCount: CGFloat = 3

  var body: some View {
    GeometryReader { geometry in
      ZStack(alignment: .bottomLeading) {
        // TabView
        TabView {
          Text("First View")
            .tabItem {
              Image(systemName: "1.circle")

          Text("Second View")
            .tabItem {
              Image(systemName: "2.circle")

          Text("Third View")
            .tabItem {
              Image(systemName: "3.circle")

        // Badge View
        ZStack {

            .font(Font.system(size: 12))
        .frame(width: 20, height: 20)
        .offset(x: ( ( 2 * self.badgePosition) - 1 ) * ( geometry.size.width / ( 2 * self.tabsCount ) ), y: -30)
        .opacity(self.badgeNumber == 0 ? 0 : 1)

The sample project available on github: https://github.com/aelzohry/TabBarSwiftUI github 上提供的示例项目: https://github.com/aelzohry/TabBarSwiftUI

iOS 15 iOS 15

We can now use a native badge modifier that is available in list rows and tab bars:我们现在可以使用在列表行和标签栏中可用的原生badge修饰符:

TabView {
    Text("Tab One")
        .tabItem {
            Image(systemName: "house")

if I understand your question right, then you have to go through the tabBar items of your tabBarController and choose the item that you need like this:如果我正确理解您的问题,那么您必须通过 tabBarController 的 tabBar 项目 go 并选择您需要的项目,如下所示:

if let tabItems = tabBarController?.tabBar.items {
            let tabItem = tabItems[1] // Or whatever tab you need
            if value != 0 {
                tabItem.badgeValue = String(value)
            } else {
                tabItem.badgeValue = nil

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