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如何将不同列大小的 pandas dataframe 拆分为单独的数据帧?

[英]How to split a pandas dataframe of different column sizes into separate dataframes?

I have a large pandas dataframe, consisting of a different number of columns throughout the dataframe.我有一个大的 pandas dataframe,由整个 dataframe 中不同数量的列组成。 Here is an example: Current dataframe example这是一个示例:当前 dataframe 示例

I would like to split the dataframe into multiple dataframes, based on the number of columns it has.我想根据 dataframe 的列数将其拆分为多个数据帧。

Example output image here: Output image示例 output 图像在这里: Output 图像


If you have a dataframe of say 10 columns and you want to put the records with 3 NaN values in another result dataframe as those with 1 NaN , you can do this as follows:如果您有一个 dataframe 比如说 10 列,并且您想将具有 3 个NaN值的记录放在另一个结果 dataframe 和具有 1 个NaN的记录中,您可以按如下方式执行此操作:

# evaluate the number of NaNs per row
# group by this number and add the grouped
# dataframe to a dictionary
results= dict()
for key, sub_df in df.groupby(num_counts):
    results[key]= sub_df

After executing this code, results contains subsets of df where each subset contains the same number of NaN s (so the same number of non- NaN s).执行此代码后,结果包含df的子集,其中每个子集包含相同数量的NaN (因此相同数量的非NaN )。

If you want to write your results to a excel file, you just need to execute the following code:如果要将结果写入 excel 文件,只需执行以下代码:

with pd.ExcelWriter('sorted_output.xlsx') as writer:
    for key, sub_df in results.items():
        # if you want to avoid the detour of using dicitonaries
        # just replace the previous line by
        # for key, sub_df in df.groupby(num_counts):
            sheet_name=f'missing {key}',


# create an example dataframe
df=pd.DataFrame(dict(a=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], b=list('abbcac')))
df.loc[[2, 4, 5], 'c']= list('xyz')
df.loc[[2, 3, 4], 'd']= list('vxw')
df.loc[[1, 2], 'e']= list('qw')

It looks like this:它看起来像这样:

   a  b    c    d    e
0  1  a  NaN  NaN  NaN
1  2  b  NaN  NaN    q
2  3  b    x    v    w
3  4  c  NaN    x  NaN
4  5  a    y    w  NaN
5  6  c    z  NaN  NaN

If you execute the code above on this dataframe, you get a dictionary with the following content:如果你在这个 dataframe 上执行上面的代码,你会得到一个包含以下内容的字典:

0:    a  b  c  d  e
   2  3  b  x  v  w

1:    a  b  c  d    e
   4  5  a  y  w  NaN

2:    a  b    c    d    e
   1  2  b  NaN  NaN    q
   3  4  c  NaN    x  NaN
   5  6  c    z  NaN  NaN

3:    a  b    c    d    e
   0  1  a  NaN  NaN  NaN

The keys of the dictionary are the number of NaN s in the row and the values are the dataframes which contain only rows with that number of NaN s in them.字典的键是行中NaN的数量,值是数据帧,其中仅包含具有该数量NaN的行。

If I'm getting you right, what you want to do is to split existing 1 dataframe with n columns into ceil(n/5) dataframes, each with 5 columns, and the last one with the reminder of n/5 .如果我说得对,您要做的是将现有的 1 dataframe 与n列拆分为ceil(n/5)数据帧,每个数据帧有 5 列,最后一个带有n/5的提醒。

If that's the case this will do the trick:如果是这种情况,这将起到作用:

import pandas as pd
import math


dt={"a": [1,2,3], "b": [6,5,3], "c": [8,4,2], "d": [8,4,0], "e": [1,9,5], "f": [9,7,9]}


dfs=[df[df.columns[max_cols*i:max_cols*i+max_cols]] for i in range(math.ceil(len(df.columns)/max_cols))]

for el in dfs:

And output:和 output:

   a  b  c  d  e
0  1  6  8  8  1                                            
1  2  5  4  4  9                                            
2  3  3  2  0  5                                               
0  9                                                        
1  7                                                        
2  9                                                        

[Program finished]

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