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错误 php 7.1 -> 7.2:count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implement Countable in concrete5 addon

[英]Error php 7.1 -> 7.2 :count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable in concrete5 addon

I have an unsupported addon for concrete5 which is showing this error wehen upating php 7.1 to 7.2我有一个不受支持的具体 5 插件,在将 php 7.1 升级到 7.2 时显示此错误

i have not much knowledge about php and ask if somebody have an easy soltion for the code below.我对 php 了解不多,并询问是否有人对以下代码有简单的解决方案。

$arr_tags = array();
foreach ($pages as $page) {
    $tags = $page->getAttribute('tags');
    if ($tags && count($tags)) {
        foreach ($tags as $tag) {
            $arr_tags[] = $tag;
$unique_tags = array_unique($arr_tags);
$keys = array_keys($unique_tags, '');
foreach ($keys as $k) {

count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that implements Countable count():参数必须是一个数组或者一个实现了Countable的object

You could try casting your $tags variable as an array.您可以尝试将 $tags 变量转换为数组。 (Take a look here: PHP: Count a stdClass object ). (看看这里: PHP:计算一个标准类 object )。

count($tags) would be count((array)$tags)


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