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PDFTron 更改箭头注释方向 iOS

[英]PDFTron change arrow annotation direction iOS

The default PTArrowCreate class draws arrows pointing to the user's initial tap on the screen.默认的PTArrowCreate class 绘制指向用户在屏幕上的初始点击的箭头。 I want arrows to be pointing at the place where user did finish dragging finger.我希望箭头指向用户完成拖动手指的地方。

Please give me a clue how can i achieve this.请给我一个线索,我怎样才能做到这一点。

There isn't currently a built-in option for this, but you can implement this via subclassing.目前没有内置选项,但您可以通过子类化来实现。 Arrow annotations are created using the tool PTAnnotCreate , which you can subclass by registering a subclass before the PTDocumentViewController is created:箭头注释是使用PTAnnotCreate工具创建的,您可以在创建PTDocumentViewController之前通过注册子类来创建子类:

[PTOverrides overrideClass:[PTArrowCreate class] withClass:[FWArrowCreate class]];

Then swap the head with the tail of the arrow in the subclass as follows:然后在子类中将头部与箭头的尾部交换如下:

@interface FWArrowCreate : PTArrowCreate


@implementation FWArrowCreate

    CGPoint savedStartPoint = self.startPoint;
    self.startPoint = self.endPoint;
    self.endPoint = savedStartPoint;

    [self swapStartAndEndPoints];
    [super drawRect:rect];
    [self swapStartAndEndPoints];

- (BOOL)pdfViewCtrl:(PTPDFViewCtrl*)pdfViewCtrl onTouchesEnded:(NSSet *)touches withEvent:(UIEvent *)event
    [self swapStartAndEndPoints];

    BOOL result = [super pdfViewCtrl:pdfViewCtrl onTouchesEnded:touches withEvent:event];

    [self swapStartAndEndPoints];

    return result;


The same answer in Swift: Swift 中的相同答案:

class MyArrowCreate: PTArrowCreate {
  override func draw(_ rect: CGRect) {

  override func pdfViewCtrl(_ pdfViewCtrl: PTPDFViewCtrl, onTouchesEnded touches: Set<UITouch>, with event: UIEvent?) -> Bool {
    let result = super.pdfViewCtrl(pdfViewCtrl, onTouchesEnded: touches, with: event)
    return result

  private func swapPoints() {
    let tmpPoint = startPoint
    startPoint = endPoint
    endPoint = tmpPoint

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