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安装 informatica power center 9.5.1 时无法连接 oracle 数据库 (12c)

[英]Unable to connect oracle database (12c) while installing informatica power center 9.5.1

Oracle environment: Oracle环境:

  • Guest OS: centos7 (Installed in a VMWARE)来宾操作系统:centos7(安装在 VMWARE 中)
  • version: Release Production版本:发布 生产

Informatica Power Center: Informatica 电源中心:

While installing, informatica is asking to connect to the oracle user.安装时,informatica 要求连接到 oracle 用户。 So I created a user and granted dba to it.所以我创建了一个用户并授予它 dba。 Even though I provided correct database address, Informatica test connection is failing.即使我提供了正确的数据库地址,Informatica 测试连接也失败了。

But, with the same config details I can able to connect DB through SQL developer(Version: which was installed on windows (host OS).但是,使用相同的配置细节,我可以通过安装在 windows(主机操作系统)上的 SQL 开发人员(版本:连接数据库。

So many possibilities, sql developer is running on your local windows client picking up your local tnsnames.ora to resolve the db connection against and with firewalls opened between your local windows client and the database.如此多的可能性,sql 开发人员正在您的本地 windows 客户端上运行,获取您的本地 tnsnames.ora 以解决数据库连接与本地 Z0F4137ED1502B5045D6083AA258B5C 之间打开的防火墙的连接。 On your centos server, the Informatica install will resolve against the tnsnames.ora there which may not have an entry for the sid you're trying to hit and even then it will also only find its local tnsnames.ora file if the user doing the install has ORACLE_HOME correctly set in their profile.在您的 centos 服务器上,Informatica 安装将针对 tnsnames.ora 进行解析,其中可能没有您尝试访问的 sid 的条目,即使这样,如果用户执行install 在他们的配置文件中正确设置了 ORACLE_HOME。 Not to mention firewalls and networking between the centos machine and the db may not be open.更不用说centos机器和db之间的防火墙和网络可能没有打开。

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