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仅针对特定目录将 SVG 加载器添加到 Vue-cli 项目

[英]Adding SVG Loader to Vue-cli project for a specific directory only

I am using Vue 2.6.10 in a vue-cli project.我在 vue-cli 项目中使用 Vue 2.6.10。 I want to use an SVG Loader in this project for SVG files from a specific directory only .我想在这个项目中使用 SVG 加载器仅用于特定目录中的 SVG 文件 These are my current rules in vue.config.js这些是我当前在vue.config.js中的规则

  chainWebpack: (config) => {
    const svgRule = config.module.rule('svg')

This works - but runs on all SVG files.这有效 - 但在所有 SVG 文件上运行。

I've seen some include and exclude rules for webpack, but I am not sure how you would apply them in this context.我已经看到 webpack 的一些包含排除规则,但我不确定您将如何在这种情况下应用它们。

https://github.com/neutrinojs/webpack-chain is in use here. https://github.com/neutrinojs/webpack-chain在这里使用。 The issue that I have is that after adding a restriction for vue-svg-loader I had to define the file-loader rule for all the other svg files.我遇到的问题是,在为vue-svg-loader添加限制后,我必须为所有其他 svg 文件定义file-loader规则。

I have two folders, /icons/inline for vue-svg-loader and /icons/plain for the default svgs that have to be served as files.我有两个文件夹, /icons/inline用于vue-svg-loader/icons/plain用于必须作为文件提供的默认 svg。 This one works for me:这个对我有用:

chainWebpack: (config) => {



I spent a long while trying to solve a similar problem myself.我花了很长时间试图自己解决类似的问题。

Here's my solution:这是我的解决方案:

chainWebpack: config => {
     * Ignore icons in the regular SVG rule
     * It is necessary to use RegExp rather than a string literal
     * as WebPack complained about '!' being a reserved character 
     * when using literals
    config.module.rule('svg').test(new RegExp(/^((?!\/icons\/).)*(svg)(\?.*)?$/));

    //Create a new rule for icons that converts them into Vue templates
    const svgIconRule = config.module.rule('svg-icon').test(new RegExp(/^.*(\/icons\/).*(svg)(\?.*)?$/));
    //Add replacement loader

This will load all SVGs that don't contain icons in their path from the standard loader, and use vue-svg-loader for those that do.这将从标准加载器加载路径中不包含图标的所有 SVG,并使用vue-svg-loader那些包含图标的 SVG。

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