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React Hook useCallback 缺少依赖项。 要么包含它,要么移除依赖数组 react-hooks/exhaustive-deps

[英]React Hook useCallback has a missing dependency. Either include it or remove the dependency array react-hooks/exhaustive-deps

I used useEffect in my component in order to execute an async function.我在我的组件中使用了useEffect来执行异步 function。

 useEffect(() => {
  }, [answers]);

Then I get this warning:然后我得到这个警告:

React Hook useCallback has a missing dependency: 'scoreRequest'. Either include it or remove the dependency array  react-hooks/exhaustive-deps

I used the useCallback to avoid this warning:我使用useCallback来避免这个警告:

const getScore = useCallback(() => {
  }, [answers]);

  useEffect(() => {
  }, [answers]);

But still got the same error.但仍然得到同样的错误。 However, I found a similar question and it's mentioned in the answer either to declare the function into the useEffect or I could disable the rule.但是,我发现了一个类似的问题,并且在答案中提到了将 function 声明为 useEffect 或者我可以禁用该规则。 The function scoreRequest() declared in another file and I don't want to mix it with my component. function scoreRequest()在另一个文件中声明,我不想将它与我的组件混合。

export const scoreRequest = (answers: IAnswer[]): ThunkAction<void, AppState, null, Action<string>> => {
  return async (dispatch: Dispatch) => {
    getScoreApi(answers).then((response: AxiosResponse) => {
      const { data } = response;
      const answer = {
        scoreLabel: data.message,
        userScore: data.result.userScore,
        totalScore: data.result.totalScore,
        emoji: data.result.emoji,
        scoreLabelColor: data.result.scoreLabelColor
    }, (error: AxiosError) => {
      let errorMessage = "Internal Server Error";
      if (error.response) {
        errorMessage = error.response.data.error;

Is it any solution to fix this warning?有什么解决方案可以解决此警告吗?

When receving functions as props you should explicitly declare it inside your dependency array, the problem is functions change every render.当接收函数作为props时,你应该在你的依赖数组中明确声明它,问题是函数每次渲染都会改变。 For what I can see from your code scoreRequest is an action creator.从您的代码中我可以看到scoreRequest是一个动作创建者。 You could import it outside your component and dispatch it like this您可以将其导入组件外部并像这样dispatch

import { actionCreator } from './actions'
import { useDispatch } from 'react-redux'

const Component = () =>{
    const dispatch = useDispatch()

    useEffect(() =>{
    },[dispatch, answers])

This will avoid es-lint warning, cause your action creator it's imported outside your component, and dispatch it's memoized so it won't change every render.这将避免es-lint警告,导致你的动作创建者将它导入到你的组件之外,并dispatch它被记忆,因此它不会改变每个渲染。 React-redux even mentioned that if you need to pass an action creator via props you should memoize it first React-redux 甚至提到如果你需要通过道具传递一个动作创建者你应该先记住它

When passing a callback using dispatch to a child component, it is recommended to memoize it with useCallback, since otherwise child components may render unnecessarily due to the changed reference.当使用 dispatch 将回调传递给子组件时,建议使用 useCallback 对其进行记忆,否则子组件可能会由于引用的更改而不必要地呈现。


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