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启用 FastCGI 应用程序 Dancer2 时,Apache 停止提供 static 页面

[英]Apache stops serving static pages when the FastCGI application Dancer2 is enabled

I'm trying to run Dancer2 as a FastCGI script under Apache 2.4, as described here: https://metacpan.org/pod/Dancer2::Manual::Deployment#As-a-FastCGI-script我正在尝试在 Apache 2.4 下将 Dancer2 作为 FastCGI 脚本运行,如下所述: https://metacpan.org/pod/Dancer2::Manual::Deployment#As-a-FastCGI-script

My /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/saltstrau.men.conf looks like this:我的 /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/saltstrau.men.conf 看起来像这样:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    ServerName   saltstrau.men
    DocumentRoot /var/www/me/MyApp/public

    FcgidWrapper /var/www/me/MyApp/public/dispatch.fcgi

    <Directory "/var/www/me/MyApp/public">
        AllowOverride None
        Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
        AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi
        Require all granted
        Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /dispatch.fcgi$1 [QSA,L]

    CustomLog /var/log/apache2/saltstrau.men_access.log combined
    ErrorLog  /var/log/apache2/saltstrau.men_error.log

And the Dancer2 webapp is the stock demo application, generated like this: Dancer2 webapp 是股票演示应用程序,生成如下:

$ dancer2 gen -a MyApp

But when I point my laptop's brower to http://saltstrau.men/ instead of the "Perl is Dancing" page I get a webpage saying:但是当我将笔记本电脑的浏览器指向http://saltstrau.men/而不是“Perl is Dancing”页面时,我看到一个网页说:

Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.
Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu) Server at saltstrau.men Port 80

Note that this is not Dancer2's static.../MyApp/public/404.html page.请注意,这不是 Dancer2 的 static.../MyApp/public/404.html 页面。

Question: How can I make Dancer2 work on port 80 on Apache 2.4?问:如何让 Dancer2 在 Apache 2.4 的 80 端口上工作?

Some failed attempts at solving this issue:解决此问题的一些失败尝试:

  1. Restarting Apache is required whenever making changes to Dancer, but Apache restarts have no effect on this issue (Neither does a server reboot)每当对 Dancer 进行更改时,都需要重新启动 Apache,但 Apache 重新启动对此问题没有影响(服务器也不会重新启动)

  2. I did manage to serve static web pages (eg .../MyApp/public/404.html) on port 80 by commenting out these 3 lines:通过注释掉这 3 行,我确实设法在端口 80 上为 static web 页面(例如 .../MyApp/public/404.html)提供服务:

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /dispatch.fcgi$1 [QSA,L]

, but that defeats the purpose because it stops Dancer2 from being called. ,但这违背了目的,因为它阻止了 Dancer2 被调用。

  1. I've verified that Dancer2 is correctly installed, and the stock demo webapp working, by testing them via plackup on the server:我已经通过服务器上的 plackup 对其进行了测试,验证了 Dancer2 已正确安装,并且股票演示 webapp 工作正常:
$ sudo plackup /var/www/me/MyApp/bin/app.psgi
HTTP::Server::PSGI: Accepting connections at http://0:5000/
[MyApp:2307] core @2019-10-15 01:03:53> looking for get / in 
/usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/Dancer2/Core/App.pm l. 36
[MyApp:2307] core @2019-10-15 01:03:53> Entering hook 
core.app.before_request in (eval 218) l. 1
[MyApp:2307] core @2019-10-15 01:03:53> Entering hook 
core.app.after_request in (eval 218) l. 1

When I now point my laptop's brower to http://saltstrau.men:5000/ I get the familiar "Perl is Dancing" page.当我现在将笔记本电脑的浏览器指向http://saltstrau.men:5000/ 时,我看到了熟悉的“Perl is Dancing”页面。 And http://saltstrau.men:5000/404.html returns the static page located at..../MyApp/public/404.html. And http://saltstrau.men:5000/404.html returns the static page located at..../MyApp/public/404.html.

  1. In another attempt at debugging my configuration I even tried running the webapp stand-alone on port 80, but port 80 is already in use:在调试我的配置的另一次尝试中,我什至尝试在端口 80 上独立运行 webapp,但端口 80 已经在使用中:
$ sudo plackup -p 80 /var/www/me/MyApp/bin/app.psgi
failed to listen to port 80: Address already in use at 
/usr/local/share/perl/5.26.1/HTTP/Server/PSGI.pm line 103.

My server was created a few days ago, so all SW versions are recent: Ubuntu 18.04, Apache 2.4.29 and Dancer2 0.208001.我的服务器是几天前创建的,所以所有的软件版本都是最新的:Ubuntu 18.04、Apache 2.4.29 和 Dancer2 0.208001。 All required Apache modules are enabled:启用所有必需的 Apache 模块:

/etc/apache2/mods-enabled$ ls 
access_compat.load  autoindex.load  include.load      setenvif.conf
alias.conf          deflate.conf    mime.conf         setenvif.load
alias.load          deflate.load    mime.load         socache_shmcb.load
auth_basic.load     dir.conf        mpm_event.conf    ssl.conf
authn_core.load     dir.load        mpm_event.load    ssl.load
authn_file.load     env.load        negotiation.conf  status.conf
authz_core.load     fcgid.conf      negotiation.load  status.load
authz_host.load     fcgid.load      reqtimeout.conf
authz_user.load     filter.load     reqtimeout.load
autoindex.conf      headers.load    rewrite.load

I initially thought I had solved this by changing我最初以为我已经通过更改解决了这个问题

AddHandler fastcgi-script .fcgi


SetHandler fcgid-script

in my /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/saltstrau.men.conf.在我的 /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/saltstrau.men.conf 中。

, as shown in the "Configuration directives" example of the Apache doc: http://httpd.apache.org/mod_fcgid/mod/mod_fcgid.html#examples ,如 Apache 文档的“配置指令”示例所示: http://httpd.apache.org/mod_fcgid/

However, that "solution" did not last long, so I gave up on starting Dancer2 as a fast CGI application.然而,这个“解决方案”并没有持续多久,所以我放弃了将 Dancer2 作为快速 CGI 应用程序启动。

SOLUTION: I ended up starting Dancer2 as a stand-alone daemon and using ProxyPass in my Apache configuration to forward requests to Dancer2.解决方案:我最终将 Dancer2 作为独立守护程序启动,并在我的 Apache 配置中使用 ProxyPass 将请求转发到 Dancer2。 As suggested by comments above.正如上面的评论所建议的那样。 This has been working reliably for days now.这已经可靠地工作了好几天了。

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