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如何使用 OpenCV 读取图像目录

[英]How to read in a directory of images with OpenCV

I'm trying to read this directory of jpg images and add them to a list but the list is empty when I run this code:我正在尝试读取此jpg图像目录并将它们添加到列表中,但是当我运行此代码时列表为空:

import glob
import cv2
cv_img = []
for img in glob.glob("E:/project/file/*.jpg"):
    n= cv2.imread(img)

You can use a list comprehension to read each image into a list.您可以使用列表推导将每个图像读入列表。 Also ensure that the relative path you're passing in to glob exists otherwise the list may be empty还要确保您传递给 glob 的相对路径存在,否则列表可能为空

import cv2
import glob

images = [cv2.imread(image) for image in glob.glob("images/*.jpg")]

for image in images:
    cv2.imshow('image', image)

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