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JSDOC 注释格式

[英]JSDOC Comment format

I have a property in a polymer class inside static property getter, defined like this, with comment about it above the property.我在 static 属性吸气剂中的 polymer class 中有一个属性,定义如下,并在属性上方对其进行评论。

  * when textElement is empty, textElement (<text> tag) is used for limited text instead of advanced text features.
  * @name textElement
  * @alias textElement
  * @memberof ABC
  * @type {Boolean}
  textElement: {
    type: String,
    value: ''

I am generating documentation for the same using JSDOC, and I am encountering a weird problem, In the generated docs, this is how how comment mentioned over property looks like.我正在使用 JSDOC 生成相同的文档,我遇到了一个奇怪的问题,在生成的文档中,这就是在属性上提到的注释的样子。

when textElement is empty, textElement ( tag) is used for limited text instead of advanced text features.

Somehow, while generating documentation JSDOC in the not understanding <text> in the comment.不知何故,在评论中不理解<text>生成文档 JSDOC 时。

Any insights on this will be helpful, thanks:)对此的任何见解都会有所帮助,谢谢:)

These blocks are treated as markdown, so your <text> is being ignored as unconvertable html.这些块被视为 markdown,因此您的<text>将被忽略为不可转换的 html。

Escape the tag with backticks `<text>` ) or use \< to escape your "less than" symbol.使用反引号`<text>`转义标签)或使用\<转义“小于”符号。


  * when textElement is empty, textElement (`<text>` tag) is used for limited text instead of advanced text features.

  * when textElement is empty, textElement (\<text> tag) is used for limited text instead of advanced text features.

I managed to solve the problem, As we know that.我设法解决了这个问题,正如我们所知。

  • &lt; stands for the [less-than sign][1] ( < ).代表 [小于号][1] ( < )。
  • &gt; stands for the [greater-than sign][2] ( > ).代表 [大于号][2] ( > )。

Replace < with &lt;<替换为&lt; and > with &gt;和 > 与&gt; in the comment will solve the problem.在评论中将解决问题。

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