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Select PostgreSQL 中的条件替换

[英]Conditional Substitute in Select PostgreSQL

My table has end_date column as Date type我的表有end_date列作为Date类型

It will have an actual value, a default value or NULL value它将有一个实际值、一个默认值或 NULL 值

  • If end date is populated for an employee, it will have actual date如果为员工填充了结束日期,它将具有实际日期
  • Default date is 2000-01-01 in yyyy-MM-dd format which is populated on 1st of every month默认日期为2000-01-01 ,采用 yyyy-MM-dd 格式,在每月 1 日填充
  • When a new employee joins in the middle, it has NULL value中间有新员工加入时,有NULL值

I need to make a query which will return the difference in days if it has an actual end date or blank if NULL or default value is there.如果 NULL 或默认值存在,我需要进行查询,如果它有一个实际的结束日期或空白,它将返回天数的差异。

Select GREATEST(0, DATE_PART('day', end_date::timestamp - CURRENT_DATE))

This is the best bet I could manage as of now.这是我目前能做的最好的赌注。 Any way of doing it without If-Else conditions?没有If-Else条件的任何方式?

Try to use this in your select-list:尝试在您的选择列表中使用它:

NULLIF(end_date, '2000-01-01') - CURRENT_DATE

The NULLIF if will return NULL , iff both parameters are the same, and the first parameter otherwise.如果两个参数相同, NULLIF if 将返回NULL ,否则返回第一个参数。 Subtraction with a NULL value (on any side of the operator) will yield NULL as well, thus this will give you a "blank" output if end_date is not set or is set to the default (if you desire some other special value, surround this "query" with a COALESCE and add your default-blank-value as its second parameter).NULL值(在运算符的任何一侧)进行减法也会产生NULL ,因此这将为您提供“空白” end_date值,如果您不希望设置其他值,则设置默认值这个“查询”与COALESCE并添加您的默认空白值作为其第二个参数)。 Otherwise you get your desired difference.否则你会得到你想要的差异。

I do not see, why there should be any need to cast to TIMESTAMP .我不明白,为什么需要强制转换为TIMESTAMP This will make the subtration to return an INTERVAL , but you want an INTEGER and this is what you get by subtracting two DATE s.这将使减法返回一个INTERVAL ,但您需要一个INTEGER ,这就是您减去两个DATE得到的结果。

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