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带有属性的 MS Visio 形状名称

[英]MS Visio Shape name with properties

I have a layout file with a warehouse bin storing system (only one level), I have combined the shapes with dimensions on the layout, the visio file with an outer excel data (there are multiple properties, but only Reference no. - Reference number is important to us at this stage only).我有一个带有仓库仓存储系统(只有一层)的布局文件,我已经将布局上的形状与尺寸相结合,visio 文件与外部 excel 数据(有多个属性,但只有参考号 - 参考号仅在现阶段对我们很重要)。

Now I need to make for example a macro or any other solution to:现在我需要制作一个宏或任何其他解决方案:
1) copy the property internal number, 1) 复制房产内部编号,
2) edit the shape name, 2)编辑形状名称,
3) make a new line below the name, 3)在名称下方换行,
4) paste the copied property. 4)粘贴复制的属性。

And do that to all shapes named from A1001-A2162, B1001-B2208, C1001-C2276, X1001-X1025, Z1001-Z2087.并对命名为 A1001-A2162、B1001-B2208、C1001-C2276、X1001-X1025、Z1001-Z2087 的所有形状执行此操作。

Can somebody please help me with this issue?有人可以帮我解决这个问题吗?

I would recommend to not use the name of the shape.我建议不要使用形状的名称。 It just brings confusion where there is no need to (Name versus universal name, the name being unique on one page, etc.).它只会在不需要的地方带来混乱(名称与通用名称,名称在一页上是唯一的,等等)。 Rather use a custom property and name it "Name".而是使用自定义属性并将其命名为“名称”。 This new property can now be edited in the shape data window.现在可以在形状数据 window 中编辑这个新属性。

For displaying the properties (Reference number and name) you have several possibilities.要显示属性(参考编号和名称),您有多种可能性。

Either use the shape's text (Hit F2, then use the insert menu to insert the desired fields),使用形状的文本(按 F2,然后使用插入菜单插入所需的字段),

or use Visio's data graphics.或使用 Visio 的数据图形。

For labelling a lot of shapes you can of course write a macro (use the macro recorder on one shape, then make it generic by replacing the specific shape information by general ones),为了标记很多形状,您当然可以编写一个宏(在一个形状上使用宏记录器,然后通过将特定形状信息替换为通用形状信息使其通用),

but I would rahter use the built in functions: 1) in the case of using the shape's text, set up a master having the labels already prepared, then use it for your drawing.但我更愿意使用内置功能: 1)在使用形状文本的情况下,设置一个已经准备好标签的主控,然后将其用于您的绘图。 2) in the case of data graphics, just select all the relevant shapes and apply the data graphics. 2)在数据图形的情况下,只需 select 所有相关形状并应用数据图形。 This will label them all in one operation.这会将 label 全部集中在一个操作中。

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