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IETF 是否发布包含勘误表的版本 RFC?

[英]Does the IETF publish versions RFCs that include errata?

When reading an RFC published by the IETF, it's hard to know what content has been corrected without explicitly checking the errata.在阅读 IETF 发布的 RFC 时,如果不明确检查勘误表,很难知道哪些内容已被更正。 For example, in RFC 7049 Section 2.4.2 , the following correction exists in the errata:例如,在RFC 7049 第 2.4.2 节中,勘误表中存在以下更正:

diff --git a/rfc7049.txt b/rfc7049.txt
index 5d29907..c7c20e6 100644
--- a/rfc7049.txt
+++ b/rfc7049.txt
@@ -886,7 +886,7 @@ RFC 7049                          CBOR                      October 2013
    and eight bytes 0x00).  In hexadecimal:
    C2                        -- Tag 2
-      29                     -- Byte string of length 9
+      49                     -- Byte string of length 9
          010000000000000000  -- Bytes content

But to realize this particular section was corrected, I'd have to go through the errata beforehand and write down all the sections that have corrections.但要意识到这个特定部分已得到更正,我必须事先通过勘误表 go 并记下所有有更正的部分。 Then, if I come across a section that was corrected, I'd have to look back at the errata and find what that particular correction was.然后,如果我遇到一个被更正的部分,我将不得不回顾勘误表并找出那个特定的更正是什么。

So, to simplify this process, does the IETF publish versions RFCs that include errata?那么,为了简化这个过程,IETF 是否发布了包含勘误表的版本 RFC?

From what I understand, a standards track IETF RFC is a reference, and therefore, should not change.据我了解,标准跟踪 IETF RFC 是一个参考,因此不应更改。 This is why errata are published separately.这就是勘误表单独发布的原因。 However, the IETF does indeed provide RFCs with the errata included with the following caveat:但是,IETF 确实为 RFC 提供了勘误表,其中包含以下警告:

This is a purely informative rendering of an RFC that includes verified errata.这是包含经过验证的勘误表的 RFC 的纯信息呈现。 This rendering may not be used as a reference.此渲染不得用作参考。

For this particular RFC, one may find the version with errata included at the following location: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/beta/errata/RFC7049.html , which was navigated to from https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc7049/ by clicking the with errata button in the Document > Formats section. For this particular RFC, one may find the version with errata included at the following location: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/beta/errata/RFC7049.html , which was navigated to from https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc7049/单击“ Document > Formats ”部分中的with errata按钮。

The Inte.net Engineering Task Force (IETF) is a global community of.network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers who develop and promote Inte.net standards. Inte.net 工程任务组 (IETF) 是一个由开发和推广 Inte.net 标准的网络设计人员、运营商、供应商和研究人员组成的全球社区。 One of the main ways that the IETF publishes these standards is through a series of documents called Request for Comments (RFCs). IETF 发布这些标准的主要方式之一是通过一系列称为征求意见 (RFC) 的文档。

An RFC is a document that describes a proposed standard, best current practice, or informational material related to the Inte.net. RFC 是描述建议标准、当前最佳实践或与 Inte.net 相关的信息材料的文档。 These documents cover a wide range of topics related to the Inte.net, such as.network protocols, procedures, programs, and concepts.这些文档涵盖了与 Inte.net 相关的广泛主题,例如网络协议、过程、程序和概念。

For more About this topic read this Article 有关此主题的更多信息,请阅读本文

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