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Android中的checkbox和checkedtextview的区别? RecyclerView 使用哪个?

[英]difference between checkbox and checkedtextview in Android? Which to use for RecyclerView?

I am a beginner in Android Development.我是 Android 开发的初学者。 When I learned about CheckBox, it's a widget extending compoundbutton and CheckedTextView, widget extending TextView and implements Checkable Interface.当我了解 CheckBox 时,它是一个扩展复合按钮和 CheckedTextView 的小部件,扩展 TextView 并实现 Checkable 接口的小部件。 When I searched on google, I found no results.当我在谷歌上搜索时,我没有找到任何结果。 Actually, what is the difference between them, If I am using ListView or RecyclerView with CheckBox ability.实际上,如果我使用具有 CheckBox 功能的 ListView 或 RecyclerView,它们之间有什么区别。 Which is the better option CheckBox or CheckedTextView? CheckBox 或 CheckedTextView 哪个更好?

To supplement the other answers, here is a visual comparison between CheckBox and CheckedTextView.为了补充其他答案,这里是 CheckBox 和 CheckedTextView 之间的视觉比较。 This is running in an emulated Pixel 3 under Android R.这是在 Android R 下的模拟 Pixel 3 中运行的。 Each of these screenshots shows three views inside a vertical LinearLayout.这些屏幕截图中的每一个都显示了垂直线性布局内的三个视图。

If you don't specify the checkMark attribute, you get no checkbox on the CheckedTextView:如果不指定 checkMark 属性,则 CheckedTextView 上没有复选框:

没有 checkMark 属性的视觉比较

with android:checkMark="?android:attr/listChoiceIndicatorSingle" :android:checkMark="?android:attr/listChoiceIndicatorSingle"

与 checkMark=listChoiceIndicatorSingle 进行视觉比较

with android:checkMark="?android:attr/listChoiceIndicatorMultiple" :android:checkMark="?android:attr/listChoiceIndicatorMultiple"

与 checkMark=listChoiceIndicatorMultiple 进行视觉比较

There are other differences, but they're covered by other answers.还有其他差异,但其他答案涵盖了它们。

As recommended from @LarsH I've turned my comment into an answer instead.根据@LarsH 的建议,我已将我的评论变成了答案。

The differences is CheckedTextView doesn't have a checked/click event, see here why不同之处在于CheckedTextView没有选中/单击事件,请参阅此处为什么

Therefore if you want to have checked/click event for free (you can customize the checked/click listener by yourself) choose CheckBox and its alignment by default is (left aligned TextView & right aligned CheckBox )因此,如果您想免费获得选中/单击事件(您可以自己自定义选中/单击监听器),请选择CheckBox ,默认情况下其 alignment 为(左对齐TextView和右对齐CheckBox

You might want to align the TextView 's text position (optional: if you want to align into different position, eg: right aligned TextView & left aligned CheckBox ) You might want to align the TextView 's text position (optional: if you want to align into different position, eg: right aligned TextView & left aligned CheckBox )

Then use it on your RecyclerView holder然后在您的RecyclerView支架上使用它

CheckBox : Is a specific type of 2 states button that can be either checked or unchecked. CheckBox :是一种特定类型的 2 状态按钮,可以选中或取消选中。

CheckedTextView : Is a TextView with 2 states check and unchecked. CheckedTextView :是一个 TextView 有 2 个状态检查和未检查。

The text is the different between both views, so depend in what you want to do.两种视图之间的文本不同,因此取决于您要做什么。

About the second question, RecyclerView was created as a ListView improvement.关于第二个问题, RecyclerView是作为ListView的改进而创建的。

so to set item in recyclerview first define the itemLayout as below所以要在recyclerview中设置项目首先定义itemLayout如下


now in recyclerview you can use the checbox properties such as现在在 recyclerview 中,您可以使用复选框属性,例如


to set the text of respective checkbox.设置各个复选框的文本。

you can also use other properties of checkbox such as您还可以使用复选框的其他属性,例如


and recyclerview is improved version of listview so try to use recyclerview. recyclerview 是 listview 的改进版本,所以尽量使用 recyclerview。

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