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[英]Does clearing timeout/interval have to be inside `useEffect` react hook?

I'm wondering what is the correct way and best practice to clear timeouts/intervals when using React hooks.我想知道在使用 React 钩子时清除超时/间隔的正确方法和最佳实践是什么。 For example I have the following code:例如我有以下代码:

import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';

const Test = () => {
  const id = useRef(null)
  const [count, setCount] = useState(5)
  const [timesClicked, setTimesClicked] = useState(0)

  if (!count) {

  useEffect(() => {
    id.current = setInterval(() => {
      setCount(count => count -1)
    }, 1000)

    return () => {
  }, [])

  const onClick = () => setTimesClicked(timesClicked => timesClicked + 1)

  return (
    <div>countdown: {count >= 0 ? count : 0}
      <hr />
      Clicked so far: {timesClicked}
      {count >= 0 && <button onClick={onClick}>Click</button>}

When count equals 0 the interval is cleared in the body of the Test function.count等于 0 时,间隔在Test function 的主体中被清除。 In most of the examples I've seen on the Internet interval is cleared inside useEffect , is this mandatory?在我在 Internet 上看到的大多数示例中,间隔在useEffect中被清除,这是强制性的吗?

You must be sure to clear all intervals before your component gets unmounted.您必须确保在卸载组件之前清除所有间隔。 Intervals never disappear automatically when components get unmounted and to clear them, clearInterval is often called inside useEffect(() => {}, []).当组件被卸载并清除它们时,间隔永远不会自动消失, clearInterval通常在 useEffect(() => {}, []) 中调用。

The function retured in useEffect(() => {}, []) gets called when the compoment is unmounted.在卸载组件时调用 useEffect(() => {}, []) 中返回的 function。

    return () => {

You can see that intervals set inside a component never disappears automatically by checking this sandbox link.通过检查此沙箱链接,您可以看到组件内设置的间隔永远不会自动消失。 https://codesandbox.io/s/cool-water-oij8s https://codesandbox.io/s/cool-water-oij8s

Intervals remain forever unless clearInterval is called.除非调用clearInterval ,否则间隔将永远保留。

setInterval is a function which is executed repeatedly and it returns an id of the interval. setInterval是一个重复执行的function并返回间隔的id When you call clearInterval with this id, you stop that function from repeating.当您使用此 ID 调用clearInterval时,您会阻止function重复。 It's not mandatory to do it inside a certain function , you need to clear it when you no longer want that function to be called subsequently.在某个function内执行它不是强制性的,当您不再希望随后调用function时,您需要清除它。 You can call it in the function you return as a result of useEffect , if that's what you need.如果您需要的话,您可以在由于function返回的useEffect中调用它。

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