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[英]show message by clicking button but how i can hide this message by clicking the button

here is my code when i clicked the button it show message but i am unable to hide this message by again clicking the button how can i solve this.这是我的代码,当我单击它显示消息的按钮时,但我无法通过再次单击按钮来隐藏此消息我该如何解决这个问题。 in html web page show a button when i click button it show some message but i want help when i again clicked on button then it hide that messages displaying in web page.在 html web 页面中显示一个按钮,当我单击按钮时它显示一些消息,但是当我再次单击按钮时我需要帮助,然后它隐藏了 web 页面中显示的消息。 here is my code:-这是我的代码:-

 //here is my code for button..if i clicked on button then it show gameRules by one clicking but i want to hide this after again clicking in my html page const gameRules = [{ Rule: "you want to touch this" }, { Rule: 'You are son of GOD' }, { Rule: 'You are real krackon' } ]//here is gameRules show when button clicked //here is code how above message show by clicking the button on html page document.querySelector('.ram').addEventListener('click', function(e) { var taki = e.target.value for (var i = 0; i < gameRules.length; i++) { const taki = document.createElement('h2') taki.textContent = gameRules[i].Rule document.querySelector('body').appendChild(taki) } })
 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head></head> <!-- here is my html code for showing the button --> <body> <button class="ram"> click me</button> <!-- when i clicked on this button getting the messages but how can i hide this message by again clicking the button --> </body> </html>

Maybe Something like this will achieve what you want?也许这样的事情会实现你想要的?

 //here is my code for button..if i clicked on button then it show gameRules by one clicking but i want to hide this after again clicking in my html page let messageShown = false; const gameRules = [{ Rule: "you want to touch this" }, { Rule: 'You are son of GOD' }, { Rule: 'You are real krackon' } ] //here is gameRules show when button clicked // Create the elements when the page loads for (var i = 0; i < gameRules.length; i++) { const taki = document.createElement('h2'); taki.textContent = gameRules[i].Rule; document.querySelector('#Message').appendChild(taki); } //here is code how above message show by clicking the button on html page document.querySelector('.ram').addEventListener('click', function(e) { // Toggle the display of the message messageShown =;messageShown. if (messageShown === true) { document.getElementById('Message').style;display = 'block'. } else { document.getElementById('Message').style;display = 'none'; } })
 #Message { display: none; }
 <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head></head> <!-- here is my html code for showing the button --> <body> <button class="ram"> click me</button> <!-- when i clicked on this button getting the messages but how can i hide this message by again clicking the button --> <div id="Message"> </div> </body> </html>

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