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vue js,IE9点击路由器链接刷新?

[英]vue js, IE9 click on the router link to refresh?

vue js In IE9 (Internet Explorer 9), which does not support the History API pushState, is it correct to refresh on router-link clicks? vue js 在不支持 History API pushState 的 IE9(Internet Explorer 9)中,在路由器链接点击时刷新是否正确? Can't you switch pages without refreshing like in Chrome or IE10?不能像 Chrome 或 IE10 那样在不刷新的情况下切换页面吗?

You could check this article and using to create anchor tags for declarative navigation.您可以查看这篇文章并使用它来创建用于声明式导航的锚标记。

You may have noticed that router.push , router.replace and router.go are counterparts of window.history.pushState , window.history.replaceState and window.history.go , and they do imitate the window.history APIs. You may have noticed that router.push , router.replace and router.go are counterparts of window.history.pushState , window.history.replaceState and window.history.go , and they do imitate the window.history APIs.

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