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使用嵌套单选按钮获取父输入 div 的 ID 以实现可访问性

[英]Get ID of parent input div with nested radio buttons for accessibility

I have some custom radio buttons that are heavily nested.我有一些高度嵌套的自定义单选按钮。 I would like for the child radio buttons to reference their parent in the label (for accessibility reasons).我希望子单选按钮在 label 中引用其父级(出于可访问性原因)。 I am planning on using aria-labelledby to do this.我打算使用aria-labelledby来做到这一点。

My biggest problem has been that the radio buttons are dynamically generated, so I need to be able to figure out what the parent id is.我最大的问题是单选按钮是动态生成的,所以我需要能够弄清楚父 ID 是什么。

Currently, the layout of the html looks like this:目前,html 的布局如下:

 <div... <input id="cat" name="level-parent" type="radio" value="cat" /> <label for="cat" /> <div> <div... <div... <div <div... <input name="level-child-0" id= leash" type="radio" value="leash"> <label /> <div... <div... <div... <input name="level-child-1" id= "blue" type="radio" value="blue"> <label />

The inputs and labels are all generated by the same component that is mapped over.输入和标签都是由映射的同一个组件生成的。

 <input type="radio" name={`level-${level}`} value={choiceId} id={choiceId} aria-labelledby={} /> <label htmlFor={choiceId} />

The choiceId and level are passed in as the radio buttons are being created.在创建单选按钮时会传入choiceId 和 level。

I want each child to reference its parent when the label is read by the screenreader.当屏幕阅读器读取 label 时,我希望每个孩子都参考其父母。

So for the <input> tag with id="level-child-1" it would say "leash, blue" and for the <input> tag with id="level-child-0" it would say, "cat, leash"因此,对于id="level-child-1"<input>标签,它会说“leash, blue”,而对于id="level-child-0"<input>标签,它会说,“cat, leash "

Is there a way to grab the parent input id?有没有办法获取父输入ID? I looked into using something like const parentInput = document.getElementById("label").parentNode.nodeName;我研究过使用类似const parentInput = document.getElementById("label").parentNode.nodeName; but the problem is that I don't know the id of the parent.但问题是我不知道父母的身份。 Can it go up the nodes until it find the id of the parent input component?它可以在节点上 go 直到找到父input组件的 id 吗?

Here is a basic jsfiddle with a working nested radio button: http://jsfiddle.net/wgoLxanc/ so I at least have the concept figured out.这是一个带有工作嵌套单选按钮的基本 jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/wgoLxanc/所以我至少弄清楚了这个概念。 The tricky thing is figuring out how to get the parent id.棘手的事情是弄清楚如何获取父ID。

To get an unknown ID of a parent element:获取父元素的未知 ID:

Vanilla Javascript:香草 Javascript:

One level up:上一级:


Two levels up:上两层:


jQuery: jQuery:

One level up:上一级:


Two levels up:上两层:


use data attribute in the radio button to save the parent ID.使用单选按钮中的数据属性来保存父 ID。

see: how to get parent div data-attribute javascript请参阅: 如何获取父 div 数据属性 javascript

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