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Apple Developer - 注册 App ID 下的“字体”功能是什么?

[英]Apple Developer - What is the 'Fonts' Capability under Register an App ID for?

I need to register an App ID in my Apple Developer account and saw under the 'Capabilities' section 'Fonts'.我需要在我的 Apple Developer 帐户中注册一个 App ID,并在“功能”部分“字体”下看到。 Which I found on means 'Fonts: Font Installation allows your app, with user permission, to install and use custom fonts."我发现这意味着字体:字体安装允许您的应用在用户许可的情况下安装和使用自定义 fonts。”

I ticked that box thinking that it's related to using custom fonts in my app but got a warning message in Xcode:我勾选了那个框,认为它与在我的应用程序中使用自定义 fonts 相关,但在 Xcode 中收到警告消息:

'Waring: Provisioning profile "iOS Team Provisioning Profile: My Bundle ID for MyAppName contains entitlements that aren't in the entitlements file: com.apple.developer.user-fonts. To use these entitlements, add them to your entitlements file. Otherwise, remove unused entitlements from your provisioning profile. (in target MyAppName ).' 'Waring:供应配置文件“iOS团队供应配置文件: MyAppName我的捆绑ID包含权利文件中没有的权利:com.apple.developer.user-fonts。要使用这些权利,请将它们添加到您的权利文件中。否则,从您的配置文件中删除未使用的权利。(在目标MyAppName中)。

The worse thing is after I untick the Fonts capabilities box in order to get rid of the warning, a modal says 'Modify App Capabilities: Adding or removing any capabilities will invalidate any provisioning profiles that include this App ID and they must be regenerated for future use.'更糟糕的是,在我取消选中 Fonts 功能框以消除警告后,模式显示“修改应用程序功能:添加或删除任何功能将使包含此应用程序 ID 的任何配置文件无效,并且必须为将来重新生成它们利用。'

After watching this video , I think 'Fonts' under 'Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles' > 'Capabilities' is for 'Ability to register fonts system-wide'.观看此视频后,我认为“证书、标识符和配置文件”>“功能”下的“字体”是“在系统范围内注册 fonts 的能力”。 Whatever that means...不管什么意思...

'Adding a custom font to your app' page but doesn't mention the 'Fonts' under 'Capabilities' when Register an App ID. “向您的应用添加自定义字体”页面,但在注册应用 ID 时未提及“功能”下的“字体”。 Link 关联

I think the Fonts capabilities are new and that's why their documentation is inconsistent.我认为 Fonts 功能是新的,这就是他们的文档不一致的原因。 Does anyone know in what circumstances do you need to tick that Fonts capabilities box and how to use it?有谁知道在什么情况下需要勾选 Fonts 功能框以及如何使用它?


Does anyone know in what circumstances do you need to tick that Fonts capabilities box and how to use it?有谁知道在什么情况下需要勾选 Fonts 功能框以及如何使用它?

Yes, new in iOS 13 your app can include fonts and can make them available to all the user's apps by calling CTFontManagerRegisterFontURLs.是的,iOS 13 中的新功能,您的应用程序可以包含 fonts,并且可以通过调用 CTFontManagerRegisterFontURLs 将它们提供给所有用户的应用程序。 This is called installing fonts.这称为安装 fonts。 You need the capability to do that.你需要有能力做到这一点。 The capability is explained at 5:46 of the video you cited in your question.您在问题中引用的视频的 5:46 解释了该功能。 Watch the video, it explains all about this.观看视频,它解释了这一切。

You do not need the entitlement merely to include and use fonts within your own app.您不需要仅在自己的应用程序中包含和使用 fonts 的权利。

Since iOS 13, apps can make use of a Fonts entitlement, with a sub option ' Use Installed Fonts ' to use custom fonts installed by special font provider apps. Since iOS 13, apps can make use of a Fonts entitlement, with a sub option ' Use Installed Fonts ' to use custom fonts installed by special font provider apps. Font provider apps make use of the same entitlement, but with sub option 'Install Fonts '.字体提供程序应用程序使用相同的权利,但带有子选项“安装 Fonts ”。 Examples of such apps are CreativeCloud from Adobe and MyFonts from MonoType.此类应用程序的示例包括 Adobe 的CreativeCloud和 MonoType 的MyFonts

You only need to add the Fonts entitlement to your app, if you want to use fonts installed by said font provider apps, or if you are developing a font provider app yourself.如果您想使用由上述字体提供程序应用程序安装的 fonts,或者您自己开发字体提供程序应用程序,您只需将Fonts授权添加到您的应用程序。

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