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如何测试一个 function 在其中调用另一个 function

[英]How to test one function that calls another function inside of it

I'm using module pytest to do testing我正在使用模块 pytest 进行测试

Problem: When i run the pytest, it works fine, but how do i stop it from calling a function within the function i'm testing问题:当我运行 pytest 时,它工作正常,但我如何阻止它在我正在测试的 function 中调用 function


def download_csv(self):
    # code here will download csv

    # I want to test code up until here and dont run the decompress_csv() function

# assume this function is in a separate test file
def test_download_csv():
    assert download_csv() == # i will check if it downloaded

You would "mock" that function to return a value that allows testing of the rest of the logic in the system under test (in this case, the download_csv method).您将“模拟”该 function 以返回一个值,该值允许测试被测系统中逻辑的 rest(在本例中为download_csv方法)。

Assuming we have a requirements.txt like this,假设我们有一个这样的 requirements.txt,


with a file test.py like this, we can mock the decompress_csv function.使用这样的文件test.py ,我们可以模拟decompress_csv function。

import mock

def decompress_csv():
    raise Exception("This will never be called by the test below")

def download_csv():
    decompressed = decompress_csv()
    return f"{decompressed} downloaded and processed"

def test_download_csv():
    # These additional variables are just to underscore what's going on:
    module_that_contains_function_to_be_mocked = 'test'
    mock_target = f"{module_that_contains_function_to_be_mocked}.decompress_csv"

    with mock.patch(mock_target, return_value='fake decompressed output'):
        assert download_csv() == "fake decompressed output downloaded and processed"

Note that in a normal situation your test code will likely be in a file different from the code it's testing;请注意,在正常情况下,您的测试代码可能位于与其正在测试的代码不同的文件中; that's why I pointed out that the module_that_contains_function_to_be_mocked is critical.这就是为什么我指出module_that_contains_function_to_be_mocked很关键。

Turn self.decompress_csv() into a function such as:self.decompress_csv()变成 function 如:

def decompress_csv(file):

When you want to test it just call it from download_csv() with self as the file parameter:当你想测试它时,只需从 download_csv() 调用它,并将 self 作为文件参数:

def download_csv(self):
    def decompress_csv(file):

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