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从 Static Hash Map 清除密钥的实用程序

[英]Utility to clear key from Static Hash Map

I have a Servlet based Web App which has a Helper class containing a static HashMap.我有一个基于 Servlet 的 Web 应用程序,它有一个 Helper class,其中包含一个 static Z063A5BC470661C971C79E。 Data is loaded into the HashMap from DB once on Servlet init.数据在 Servlet 初始化时从 DB 加载到 HashMap 中。 I need to create a utility to clear specific keys from the HashMap and reload those specific keys from the DB.我需要创建一个实用程序来清除 HashMap 中的特定密钥并从数据库中重新加载这些特定密钥。 What is the best way to implement a Utility to do this?实现实用程序的最佳方法是什么?

If you can use something other than HashMap you could look into Google guava library has a built in support for this( https://github.com/google/guava/wiki/CachesExplained ).如果您可以使用 HashMap 以外的其他东西,您可以查看 Google guava 库对此的内置支持( https://github.com/google/guava/wiki/CachesExplained )。 Hope that helps希望有帮助

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