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0 作为 std::condition_variable::wait_for 中的超时

[英]0 as a timeout in std::condition_variable::wait_for

For instance I have next code:例如我有下一个代码:

void waitForResponse(const std::optional<int64_t>& ms){
    std::unique_lock lk{_mtx};
    _cv.wait_for(lk, std::chrono::milliseconds{ms ? *ms : 0}, []() {
            return someCondition;

Is it specified in standard if I pass 0 as a duration argument?如果我将0作为持续时间参数传递,它是否在标准中指定? Is it equal to the next code?:是否等于下一个代码?:

void waitForResponse(const std::optional<int64_t>& ms){
    std::unique_lock lk{_mtx};
    _cv.wait_for(lk, []() {
            return someCondition;

Is there any overhead?有开销吗?

According to the working draft and C++11 standard section32.6.3 (int the working draft), wait_for is根据工作草案和 C++11 标准第32.6.3节(工作草案), wait_for

Equivalent to: return wait_until(lock, chrono::steady_clock::now() + rel_time, std::move(pred));等价于: return wait_until(lock, chrono::steady_clock::now() + rel_time, std::move(pred));

So when you are passing所以当你经过

_cv.wait_for(lk, std::chrono::milliseconds{0}, []() return someCondition;}

you are basically calling你基本上是在打电话

_cv.wait_until(lk, chrono::steady_clock::now(), []() return someCondition;}

and according to the timing specifications , the function times out when chrono::steady_clock::now() > C_t (C_t the time point passed to the wait_until function), which will timeout (and thus return) basically immediately.并且根据时序规范,function 在 chrono chrono::steady_clock::now() > C_t (C_t 传递给wait_until函数的时间点)时超时,基本上会立即超时(并因此返回)。

And so it is different to所以它是不同的

_cv.wait(lk, []() {
    return someCondition;

which will block until someCondition is true.这将阻塞直到someCondition为真。

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