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如何在现有的 iOS 或 Android 项目中使用 Xamarin?

[英]How to use Xamarin in existing iOS or Android Project?

I have an iOS project written in Swift.我有一个用 Swift 编写的 iOS 项目。

I want to launch Xamarin.Forms Views inside iOS Native Project.我想在 iOS 原生项目中启动 Xamarin.Forms 视图。 How to do two way communication from iOS Native Project to Xamarin.Forms view?如何进行从 iOS Native Project 到 Xamarin.Forms 视图的双向通信?

is there any way to achieve this task?有没有办法完成这个任务?

Ex.前任。 I can achieve this task using Flutter Module.我可以使用 Flutter 模块来完成这项任务。


How to achieve above using Xamarin?如何使用 Xamarin 实现上述目标?

This can be done with Xamarin Forms Native Views这可以通过Xamarin Forms 原生视图来完成

You maybe can di that with the Embeddinator-4000 that creates native libraries of .NET libraries.您也许可以使用 Embeddinator-4000 创建 .NET 库的本机库。 https://github.com/mono/Embeddinator-4000 https://github.com/mono/Embeddinator-4000

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