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如何在 Laravel 中合并两个 pivot 表?

[英]How to combine two pivot tables in Laravel?

I am stuck in two pivot table and not getting any idea how to do this as I have to display data in Laravel Yajara data table.我被困在两个 pivot 表中,不知道如何执行此操作,因为我必须在 Laravel Yajara 数据表中显示数据。

First, let me show you my table structure.首先,让我向您展示我的表结构。

Table: projects
Column          Type
id              int(10)
uid             char(36)
project_name    varchar(255)
created_by      int(10)
updated_by      int(10)
created_at      timestamp NULL
updated_at      timestamp NULL
deleted_at      timestamp NULL

Table: group_project
Column          Type
group_id        int(10)
project_id      int(10)

Table: groups
Column          Type
id              int(10)
uid             char(36)
group_name      varchar(255)
created_by      int(10)
updated_by      int(10)
created_at      timestamp
updated_at      timestamp
deleted_at      timestamp

Table: group_user
Column          Type
group_id        int(10)
user_id         int(10)

Table: users
Column          Type
id              int(10)
uid             char(36)
name            varchar(255)
first_name      varchar(255)
last_name       varchar(255)
email           varchar(255)
phone           varchar(255)
password        varchar(255)
remember_token  varchar(100)
created_at      timestamp
updated_at      timestamp
deleted_at      timestamp

In above table structure you can find that, I have two tables(group_user, group_project) which are in relation from project to group and group to user and I want to get records like this.在上面的表结构中,您可以发现,我有两个表(group_user,group_project),它们从项目到组以及从组到用户,我想获得这样的记录。

Project 1
    -- Group 1
        -- User 1
        -- User 2
    -- Group 2
        -- User 3
        -- User 4
Project 2
    -- Group 1
        -- User 1
        -- User 2
    -- Group 3
        -- User 5
        -- User 6

Here is my code:这是我的代码:

# Project Controller
public function index()
    $projectsObj = $this->project->with(['projectGroups'])->get();

# Project Model

public function projectGroups()
    return $this->belongsToMany('App\Groups', 'group_project', 'project_id', 'group_id');

In the project listing, I want to combine both the pivot table and make a query.在项目清单中,我想结合 pivot 表并进行查询。

The following will return the structure you want.以下将返回您想要的结构。

Projects::with('projectGroups', 'projectGroups.users');

If you need to limit the query at all, add constraints to the withs如果您完全需要限制查询,请在 withs 中添加约束

    'projectGroups' => function($query){
        $query->where('group_name', 'MyName');
    'projectGroups.projects' => function ($query) {
        $query->where('project_name', 'my_name');

In Project model change the relationship as在项目 model 中,将关系更改为

public function projectGroups()
return $this->hasMany('App\ProjectGroup', 'project_id', 'id');

In model GroupProject model集团项目

public function group()
return $this->belongsToOne('App\Group', 'group_id', 'id');

In Group model组内 model

public function groupusers()
return $this->hasMany('App\GroupUser', 'group_id', 'uid');

In GroupUser model组内用户 model

public function users()
return $this->hasMany('App\User', 'user_id', 'uid');

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