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我无法在 Visual Studio 中运行基本的 C++ 程序“Hello World”

[英]I can't run basic C++ program “ Hello World ” in Visual Studio

I'm learning C++ as first programming language and I can't figure out how to run Hello World program.我正在学习 C++ 作为第一种编程语言,但我不知道如何运行 Hello World 程序。 I was googling for solution but I did not find any.我正在谷歌搜索解决方案,但我没有找到任何解决方案。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {

    cout << "Hello, World!";
    return 0;

Unable to start program 'C:\Users/thom/Desktop/C++/Visual/firstproject/Debug/Hello World.exe'.无法启动程序“C:\Users/thom/Desktop/C++/Visual/firstproject/Debug/Hello World.exe”。 The system cannot find the file specified.该系统找不到指定的文件。

Try Build -> Rebuild Solution, find the executable in the path shown at the output to run it.尝试Build -> Rebuild Solution,在output所示路径中找到可执行文件运行。 You can also try pressing Ctrl+F5 to build and run您也可以尝试按 Ctrl+F5 构建并运行

If you create a.cpp file in File > New > File > C++ File?如果在 File > New > File > C++ File 中创建 a.cpp 文件?


If so, the path is not included in the project directory, causing the compiler to fail to find the file.如果是这样,则该路径不包含在项目目录中,导致编译器无法找到该文件。


The correct way is to create a cpp file in the project directory under Explorer.As shown below:正确的做法是在Explorer下的工程目录下创建一个cpp文件。如下图:



You can modify the name of the.cpp, and don't modify the default location.您可以修改.cpp 的名称,不要修改默认位置。

Now you can try to build and run the executable.现在您可以尝试构建和运行可执行文件。

I just run your code on VS2019 and it worked.我刚刚在 VS2019 上运行你的代码,它就可以工作了。

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