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[英]IE6 transparency problem for dynamic images

I am trying to use the various techniques with dynamic png images ie images added after the page has been loaded using javascript DOM. 我正在尝试将各种技术用于动态png图像,即使用javascript DOM加载页面后添加的图像。

All of the techniques I tried seem to fail. 我尝试过的所有技术似乎都失败了。 Is there a reliable technqiue for the same? 是否有可靠的技术呢?

Thank you very much for your time. 非常感谢您的宝贵时间。

I've used this fix from TwinHelix on pretty complex websites with great success :) 我已经在非常复杂的网站上使用了TwinHelix的修复程序,并取得了巨大的成功:)

One caveat through (this applies to all "fixes" i believe) is that you can not make a background image of an element be transparent. 一个警告(我认为这适用于所有“修复”)是您不能使元素的背景图像透明。

http://allinthehead.com/retro/338/supersleight-jquery-plugin http://allinthehead.com/retro/338/supersleight-jquery-plugin

Better yet, don't waste your time developing for IE6. 更好的是,不要浪费您的时间来开发IE6。 I know this makes me flamebait, but the more new sites that work poorly on IE6, the more pressure we put on people to move on to at least IE7. 我知道这让我大吃一惊,但是在IE6上效果不佳的新网站越多,我们对人们至少使用IE7的压力就越大。 The amount of hacking you will have to do around IE6 to make a great many things is something you really need to sit down and strongly consider. 黑客,你必须做周围IE6做很多事情的金额是你真的需要坐下来认真考虑的东西。


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