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在 javascript 中修改继承数组而不更改其父数组的最佳方法是什么

[英]What's the best way to modify an inherited array in javascript without changing its parent

I want to make an object that inherits from an other object.我想制作一个继承自其他 object 的 object。 In constructing the descendant, i want to push some items to an inherited array without changing the parentobject.在构造后代时,我想在不更改父对象的情况下将一些项目推送到继承的数组中。

Say I have an object called basket:假设我有一个称为篮子的 object:

function Basket(){

Then i fill it like this:然后我像这样填充它:

Basket.prototype {
    “price”: 5,
    “contents” : [“apple”, “orange”, “grape”]

Now i want to extend this.现在我想扩展它。 I want to add some properties and change some.我想添加一些属性并更改一些。 I did this:我这样做了:

function BigBasket(){
    this.price = 6; // change a property. This goes well, when an instance is created, price is still 5 in prototype and also in instances of Basket and it is 6 in the instance that is created from this descendant.
    this.greetingcard = “Congratulations” // add a property. Goes well

Now i want to add an item to the contents-property but only in the descendant instances.现在我想在内容属性中添加一个项目,但只在后代实例中。

This goes wrong:这出错了:


It seems this.contents contains a reference to the array of the prototype so when pushing a banana to it, means that instances of both Bigbasket and Basket get a banana in their contents as well.似乎 this.contents 包含对原型数组的引用,因此当将香蕉推送到它时,意味着 Bigbasket 和 Basket 的实例也会在其内容中获取香蕉。 Therefore i first made a copy of the Basket.contents (the parent contents) like this:因此,我首先制作了 Basket.contents (父内容)的副本,如下所示:

    this.contents = Object.getPrototypeOf(this).contents.slice(); // seems __proto__ is deprecated, so using getPrototypeOf here and then pushed the banana:

This seems to be working, but is this the right way?这似乎有效,但这是正确的方法吗? I know array is an object as well, so i tried this:我知道数组也是 object,所以我尝试了这个:

    this.contents = Object.create(Basket.prototype.contents);

This works too and seems a more generic way.这也有效,似乎是一种更通用的方式。 Furthermore in Chrome the item that was pushed last was a property of only the descendant while the rest of the array-items were properties of the prototype.此外,在 Chrome 中,最后推送的项目只是后代的属性,而数组项目的 rest 是原型的属性。 Seems elegant to me.对我来说似乎很优雅。

Still, this looks a bit clumsy to me.不过,这对我来说看起来有点笨拙。 Am i doing this all wrong?我做错了吗? Tried to find out but couldn't find anything on the topic of array's in extending objects.试图找出但在扩展对象中找不到关于数组主题的任何内容。 Is there a way of making descendants where all properties are copied and not referenced when instanciated?有没有一种方法可以使所有属性在实例化时都被复制而不被引用?


You can try something like this:你可以尝试这样的事情:

  • Instead of putting price and content on prototype, make them as properties of Basket .不要将pricecontent放在原型上,而是将它们作为Basket的属性。
  • Inherit BigBasket and set its prototype as instance of Basket .继承BigBasket并将其原型设置为Basket的实例。 This will give you access to properties of Basket.这将使您可以访问篮子的属性。
  • Define a private variable content in BigBasket whose job will be to maintain the child's content.BigBasket中定义一个私有变量content ,其工作是维护孩子的内容。
  • Add a setter function to mutate this variable添加一个设置器 function 来改变这个变量

    • addContent : Add new values to child's content addContent :向孩子的内容添加新值
    • removeContentByIndex : to remove value based on index. removeContentByIndex :根据索引删除值。
    • getContent : This will return a copy of content to nullify side effect. getContent :这将返回content的副本以消除副作用。 This will also allow you to have custom definition of content.这也将允许您对内容进行自定义定义。 In this case, its own content + parent's content在这种情况下,它自己的内容+父母的内容

    this will allow you to define an API to communicate with content and also allows you to create a restrict data that is exposed.这将允许您定义 API 以与内容通信,还允许您创建公开的限制数据。 Exposing everything can cause issues.暴露一切可能会导致问题。 Exposing what is required is always better.暴露需要的东西总是更好的。

Note: Having objects on prototype can cause issues as objects will have side effect.注意:在原型上放置对象可能会导致问题,因为对象会产生副作用。 You should use Parent's values as default values only.您应该只使用 Parent 的值作为默认值。

 function Basket() { this.price = 5; this.contents = ["apple", "orange", "grape"] } function BigBasket() { const content = []; this.price = 6; this.greetingcard = "Congratulations"; this.addContent = function(value) { content.push(value); } this.removeContentByIndex = function(index) { content.splice(index, 1); } this.getContents = function() { return [].concat(this.__proto__.contents, content); } } BigBasket.prototype = new Basket(); const bb1 = new BigBasket(); const bb2 = new BigBasket(); bb1.addContent('banana'); console.log(bb1.getContents(), bb2.getContents())

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