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使用 Redux 和 Enzyme 在 React 中编写集成测试的最佳方法

[英]Best way to write integration tests in React with Redux and Enzyme

I'm trying to write some integrations tests in my application.我正在尝试在我的应用程序中编写一些集成测试。

I have a couple API calls, that's called on componentDidMount and on button click.我有几个 API 调用,在 componentDidMount 和按钮单击上调用。 The API response it's saved on Store, which update the view. API 响应它保存在 Store 中,从而更新视图。

How can I test this integration with the API?如何测试与 API 的集成?

This is my WIP code:这是我的 WIP 代码:

    let wrapped

    const options = {
        disableLifecycleMethods: true 

    const mockPlanet = {
        name: "Yavin IV",
        climate: "temperate, tropical",
        terrain: "jungle, rainforests",
        population: "1000",
        films: ["A New Hope"],
        url: "https://swapi.co/api/planets/3/"

    const initialPlanet = {
        name: "Alderaan",
        climate: "temperate",
        terrain: "grasslands, mountains",
        population: "2000000000",
        films: ["A New Hope", "Revenge of the Sith"],
        url: "https://swapi.co/api/planets/2/"

    const mockStore = configureMockStore([thunk])

    const store = mockStore({
            planetCount: 1,
            activePlanet: initialPlanet,
            planetCache: [],
            loading: false,
            error: null

    const address = /https:\/\/swapi.co\/api\/planets/[0-9]/

                status: 200,
                response: mockPlanet


    it('Fetch planet on click',()=>{

        wrapped = mount(
            <Provider store={store}>
            </Provider>, options


       // What should I test here?

Thanks in advance.提前致谢。

There are few gotchas there:那里有几个陷阱:

  1. redux-mock-store does not run reducer. redux-mock-store不运行reducer。 To test real reducer and real actions(otherwise your axios 's mock will never be applied to component) you need using real store instead.要测试真正的减速器和实际动作(否则您的axios的模拟将永远不会应用于组件),您需要使用真正的商店。
  2. since your axios mocks are Promise-based you need either moxios.wait or setTimeout() / await <anything> before running check.由于您的axios是基于 Promise 的,因此您需要moxios.waitsetTimeout() / await <anything>在运行检查之前。 Otherwise Promise will not be fullfilled by time you try to validate something.否则 Promise 在您尝试验证某些内容时不会被填满。
  3. And you actually don't need wrapper.update() since it will run by redux once you handle items #1 and #2而且您实际上不需要wrapper.update() ,因为一旦您处理了项目 #1 和 #2,它将由 redux 运行

In your test you have to verify your component looks like expected after data is loaded successfully.在您的测试中,您必须在成功加载数据后验证您的组件是否符合预期。

// simulate click
// check some "Loader" is displayed if expected
await Promise.resolve(); // just to flush microtasks queue - or use moxios.wait()
// check real data is rendered accordingly

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