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Django Jinja 如何通过模板查看用户是否有权限?

[英]Django Jinja How to check whether the user has any rights through the template?

I have a menu whose parts are displayed depending on the rights.我有一个菜单,其部分根据权限显示。 I configured it.我配置了它。 I want to check if the user has any rights in principle, if they do not, then the menu will not reach the moment of drawing.我想检查用户原则上是否有任何权限,如果没有,则菜单不会到达绘制的那一刻。 Something like this:像这样的东西:

   {% if perms.registration2 == NUll %}
      # render something
   {% endif %}

This code returns set() not NULL or '' :此代码返回set()而不是NULL''

{{ perms.registration2 }}

How can I do such a check?我怎样才能做这样的检查?

You can check permission in your template like this:您可以像这样检查模板中的权限:

{% if perms.app_label.permission_name %}
   # do something 
{% endif %}

If your trying to check whether the current user has any permission or not you can try this:如果您尝试检查当前用户是否有任何权限,您可以尝试以下操作:

 {% if not request.user.permissions.all %}
            # do something
   {% endif %}

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