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“-bash: expo: command not found” 安装 expo-cli 后

[英]“-bash: expo: command not found” after installing expo-cli

I've just installed expo-cli with npm install -g expo-cli , but if I try and run an expo command, I just get the error -bash: expo: command not found .我刚刚使用npm install -g expo-cli ,但是如果我尝试运行 expo 命令,我只会收到错误-bash: expo: command not found I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling expo-cli, and changing my.profile and.bash_profile to add the path to the global node_modules directory, but I just can't get expo commands working.我尝试卸载并重新安装 expo-cli,并更改 my.profile 和 .bash_profile 以将路径添加到全局 node_modules 目录,但我无法让 expo 命令正常工作。 Any idea why?知道为什么吗?

1st I enabled the finder to show hidden files by writing following commands:首先,我通过编写以下命令使查找器显示隐藏文件:

defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE 
killall Finder

Then I searched for the expo files under my user:然后我在我的用户下搜索了 expo 文件:

macintoch HD>Users>MyUserName>

I found the expo file under the following folder:我在以下文件夹下找到了 expo 文件:


Then I added the folder in the Path by executing the following commands:然后我通过执行以下命令将文件夹添加到路径中:

export PATH=$PATH:~/.npm-globalHomebrew/bin

I checked if it is added successfully by typing the following command:我通过键入以下命令检查它是否添加成功:

 echo $PATH

Run then the following commands to login to expo:然后运行以下命令登录到 expo:

 expo login
 expo whoami

For any expo command, try running:对于任何expo命令,请尝试运行:

$ npx expo <your command(s) here>

Using the command above solved the -bash: expo: command not found error for me.使用上面的命令解决了我的-bash: expo: command not found错误。

( $ denotes the terminal prompt) ( $表示终端提示符)

I also ran npm install -g expo-cli before running my command above.在运行上面的命令之前,我还运行了npm install -g expo-cli

Use this用这个

sudo npm install --unsafe-perm -g expo-cli

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