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如何打印 java 中给定语法的解析器生成的解析树?

[英]How do I print the parse tree generated by the parser for a given grammar in java?

I have a scanner which returns an ArrayList of token objects.我有一个扫描仪,它返回一个令牌对象的 ArrayList。 Each token object consists of the token and the token type.每个令牌 object 由令牌和令牌类型组成。 My goal is to parse the tokens into a tree using the following grammar:我的目标是使用以下语法将标记解析为树:

expression → term { + term } 
term → factor { - factor }
factor → piece { / piece }
piece → element { * element }
element → ( expression ) | NUMBER | IDENTIFIER

I managed to code the following parser in java:我设法在 java 中编写了以下解析器:

public class parserModule {

private ArrayList <Tokens> tokens;

public void consume_token() {

public String next_token(String func) {

     if (func == "type") {
         return tokens.get(0).getType();

     else {
         return tokens.get(0).getToken();

public interface PTNode {
    PTNode getLeftSubtree();
    PTNode getRightSubtree();

class PTInteriorNode implements PTNode {

    char operator;
    PTNode left;
    PTNode right;

    public PTInteriorNode(char operator, PTNode left, PTNode right) {
        this.operator = operator;
        this.left = left;
        this.right = right;

    char getOperator() {
        return operator;

    public PTNode getLeftSubtree() {
        return left;

    public PTNode getRightSubtree() {
        return right;


class PTLeafNode implements PTNode {

    private double number;
    private String identifier;

    public PTLeafNode(double n) {
        number = n;

    public PTLeafNode(String n) {
        identifier = n;

    double getNumber() {
        return number;

    String getIden() {
        return identifier;

    public PTNode getLeftSubtree() {
        return null;

    public PTNode getRightSubtree() {
        return null;

PTNode parseElement() { 
    if (next_token(" ").contentEquals("(")) {
        PTNode tree = parseExpression();

        if(next_token(" ").contentEquals(")")) {
            return tree;

        else {
            System.out.println("ERROR") ;

    else if(next_token("type").equals("NUMBER")) {
        Double n = Double.valueOf(next_token(" "));
        return new PTLeafNode(n);

    else if(next_token("type").equals("IDENTIFIER")) {
        String n = next_token(" ");
        return new PTLeafNode(n);

    else {
    return null;


PTNode parsePiece() { 
    PTNode tree = parseElement(); 

    while (next_token(" ").equals("*"))  {
        tree = new PTInteriorNode('*', tree, parseElement());

    return tree;

PTNode parseFactor() { 
    PTNode tree = parsePiece(); 

    while (next_token(" ").equals("/"))  {
        tree = new PTInteriorNode('/', tree, parsePiece());

    return tree;

PTNode parseTerm() { 
    PTNode tree = parseFactor(); 

    while (next_token(" ").equals("-"))  {
        tree = new PTInteriorNode('-', tree, parseFactor());

    return tree;

PTNode parseExpression() { 
    PTNode tree = parseTerm(); 

    while (next_token(" ").equals("+"))  {
        tree = new PTInteriorNode('+', tree, parseTerm());

    return tree;

public void Parser(ArrayList <Tokens> tokenList) {
    tokens = tokenList;

If the input is: 4 * (8 + 2 / x - 1)如果输入是: 4 * (8 + 2 / x - 1)

My output goal is:我的 output 目标是:

    4 : NUMBER
            8 : NUMBER
            - : PUNCTUATION
                    / : PUNCTUATION
                            2 : NUMBER
                            x : IDENTIFIER
                    1 : NUMBER

I have no clue how to traverse this.我不知道如何遍历这个。

Basically you want a recursive pre-order traversal of the parse tree, with an integer depth argument included so you know how far to indent Here's a simple example (guaranteed not necessarily working code, but it should give you the general idea):基本上你想要一个解析树的递归前序遍历,其中包含一个 integer深度参数,所以你知道缩进多远这是一个简单的例子(保证不一定工作代码,但它应该给你一般的想法):

public class Node<T,V> {
    T type;
    V value;
    Node<T,V> left, right;

// ...

private static final int INDENT_WIDTH = 4;
// ...

public void printParseTree(Node root) {
    preOrder(root, 0);

private void preOrder(Node root, int depth){
    if (root != null) {
        for (int i = 0; i < depth * INDENT_WIDTH; ++i) {
            System.out.print(" ");
        System.out.println(root.value.toString() + ":" + root.type.toString());
        preOrder(root.left, depth+1);
        preOrder(root.right, depth+1);

Adapt as needed for your application.根据您的应用程序进行调整。

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