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托管域、email 和所有独立提供商的网站

[英]Hosting domain, email and website with all separate providers

I have a domain registered with namecheap.我有一个用 namecheap 注册的域。 I host the pages for this domain at GitHub by adding CNAME and A records at namecheap.我通过在 namecheap 添加 CNAME 和 A 记录,在 GitHub 托管此域的页面。 This is working great.这很好用。 Now the issue is that I want to have email at this domain.现在的问题是我想在这个域中拥有 email。 Fortunately, I do have account at A2 Hosting where I can possibly create mail box but how do I make sure that my emails goes there?幸运的是,我确实有 A2 Hosting 的帐户,我可以在其中创建邮箱,但我如何确保我的电子邮件可以发送到那里? It appears that I need to change MX record at namecheap.看来我需要在 namecheap 更改 MX 记录。 Is that correct?那是对的吗? How do I get name of the mail server to put in that record (A2 hosting does not seem to have info on this)?如何获取要放入该记录的邮件服务器的名称(A2 主机似乎没有这方面的信息)? Also, are there any settings needed on the A2 Hosting side (they have cPanel)?此外,A2 Hosting 端是否需要任何设置(它们有 cPanel)?

You can contact A2 Hosting support as only they will know whats the MX record to be added at Namecheap.您可以联系 A2 Hosting 支持,因为只有他们知道要在 Namecheap 添加的 MX 记录。

Answering my question...回答我的问题...

Yes - this is completely doable.是的 - 这是完全可行的。

First add your domain at your hosting provider.首先在您的托管服务提供商处添加您的域。 If you have access to cPanel, then click on domains and add it.如果您有权访问 cPanel,请单击域并添加它。 Don't set up anything else for this domain as you will be hosting pages somewhere else.不要为此域设置任何其他内容,因为您将在其他地方托管页面。

Next, create email account at your hosting provider.接下来,在您的托管服务提供商处创建 email 帐户。 If you have access to cPanel, this can be done by clicking on Email Accounts.如果您有权访问 cPanel,则可以通过单击 Email 帐户来完成。 Once email address shows up, click on Check Email which should show POP3/SMTP settings.一旦 email 地址出现,点击 Check Email 应该显示 POP3/SMTP 设置。 Before these works, you need to tell your DNS provider about your hosting provider.在这些工作之前,您需要告诉您的 DNS 提供商您的托管服务提供商。

You have two choices:你有两个选择:

  1. Change MX record for your domain at dns registrar (in my case, namecheap).在 dns 注册商处更改您的域的 MX 记录(在我的例子中,namecheap)。 For this you need the (host, value) pair so that dns provider can redirect request for "host" to server specified in "value".为此,您需要 (host, value) 对,以便 dns 提供程序可以将对“主机”的请求重定向到“值”中指定的服务器。 For namecheap host=@ means use the domain you have with them and the value comes from your hosting provider.对于 namecheap host=@ 表示使用您拥有的域,该值来自您的托管服务提供商。 The A2Hosting folks shows this value as "hostname" if you click on manage service.如果您单击管理服务,A2Hosting 人员会将此值显示为“主机名”。
  2. Another way to do this is to create the "A" record at DNS provider for mail.my-domain.com and point to IP of hostname that email provider shows (as in #1 above). Another way to do this is to create the "A" record at DNS provider for mail.my-domain.com and point to IP of hostname that email provider shows (as in #1 above).

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